5 Halloweens of Dan and Phil- Phan

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always will be.

Halloween #1- 2009

“No. No way in hell.” Dan Howell moaned at his best friend, Phil Lester. “”You’re a 22 year old man.”

“But Dannnnn I want to go trick or treating” Phil whined. Dan’s brown eyes met with Phil’s blue ones and he sighed.

“Fine. You’re so lucky you’re my best friend.” He said aloud. And that I’m in love with you he said in his mind.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Phil’s face brightened “Yay! Thank you Dan, you’re the best ever!”

Dan rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Now come on, let’s get this over with.”

Phil shook his head. “Not yet! We don’t have out costumes silly!” Before Dan could protest, Phil had scribbled on cat whickers on both of their face.

“Phillll.” Dan whined. “Is this permanent?”

“No you dweeb. I bought eyeliner, please untie you panties. I think you’ve gotten them in a knot.” Phil said, placing a headband with small, fury ears on his head. “Look, now we match.” Phil pointed to his own headband. “Quick, let’s a picture before we go!” Phil pulled his best friend to the mirror and took out his phone.

And for some odd reason, right before the camera snapped, Dan planted a kiss onto Phil’s soft lips.

“Wh-What?” Phil stuttered and Dan paled.

“Phil?! I’m so sorry! I don’t know what came over-“Dan began but was cut off by a pair of lips crashing on to his own.

“Took you long enough.” Phil whispered.

“Sorry babe. But let’s go, Trick or treating now seems fun. Especially with my boyfriend to protect me.”

Halloween # 2 2013

“Babe! Will you join me in my video?” Phil called to his boyfriend.

“Maybe! Can I be paid in snuggles?” Dan asked cheekily.

“Maybe even kisses if you’re nice.” Phil chuckles.  “If you’re going to be in my video, you need a costume. It’s a Halloween special.”

“Must I get dressed? A 22-year- old man still in his pajamas in the middle if the afternoon is pretty scary.”                                                                                                                                                                          “C’mon. Please babe.” Phil pouted. Dan slowly felt his willpower slipping away.

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