"Shoot." I mumble, I bite my lip trying to think of one of my reasons.

"Think I haven't noticed that? When I see you in the hallways, you just seem really irritated when something is playing." He says, clears his throat and then continues, "Plus, you used to play a lot of instruments but now you act like you don't. Who told me? Louis, Maxine, Cara and Katie."

With the way he talks, he seems to be blocking every possible question.

I almost speak again when he says, "No, I'm not a stalker."

Shoot, he saw it coming.

I open my mouth to say something when he talks again, "And no, I don't read minds. I'm not a vampire like Louis thought too."

I groan, "God! How in the hell are you this good?"

"I like reading people and rating their predictability." He replies and I'm guessing, he's smiling right now.

"So are you telling me, I'm predictable?" I ask, raising an eyebrow for nothing.

"No." Harry answers. "You're not predictable. I swear, you're really complicated from the first time I met you."

"Other terms, I was a headache since you met me." I say because I somehow think that's true.

"No." He negates me once again. "You're never a headache to me, remember that."

I sigh, "Thanks, that's one out of six billion who doesn't think I'm a headache."

"Two, Jensen." He corrects. "Three, your dad. Four, your mom. Five, Katie. Six, Maxine. Seven, Cara. Eight, Lou--"

"Okay, I don't need you to label them all out." I cut him off harshly because that kind of talk really irritates me for some reasons.

He stays quiet like he's waiting for me to say something.

"God, sorry for being this way." I sigh.

"No problem to me. Just don't do that to yourself."

"Do what to myself?" I ask.

He sighs as well. "Thinking you're useless. You have no idea, Tay. If only you saw--"

He stops, he really had to stop every time he almost says something.

Harry takes a deep breath and then says, "Forget it, don't let me bug you."

"If I do?" I ask.

"If you call me one more time tonight, you'll find me at your door as a response. Now you wouldn't want that, right?" He says and I can really see his smirk boring at the back of my mind.

"See you tomorrow, Harry." I say.

"Yeah, goodnight, Tay." He says with a sigh and there's something in his voice that sounds different. It isn't awe or fascination or anything else. . . he just sounds a bit melancholic. Or it's just my imagination.

The next day, Harry is waiting right by my locker, and unfortunately, we're too early that we are almost alone.

"Morning." Harry says with smirk.

"One day off with questions?" I ask.

"Yep, deal. That way we can be like normal friends." He says. "So what's your next class?"

"No questions." I say. He laughs and then I give in, "Science, the one that sucks the most."

He laughs a bit harder. "Let me guess, you hate the computations?"

"Yeah. Now, excuse me." I tell him and he moves aside knowing that's my locker that he's leaning on.

"Why do you hate computations?" He asks and I'm starting to remember the no-question-today thing.

Things I Lost (2016)Where stories live. Discover now