Ventus X Reader: Wilt

Start from the beginning

I remember the times when we train together and sometimes we play together to ourselves while we train together...

Ven and (y/n) train together in the summit because they prefer the sounds of nature in spring. They spar each other with their wooden keyblades. (Y/n) always use a sneaky attacks on Ven that gaves her an advantage to win. Ven always whines that she's cheating. They always bicker each other in a playful way. And in the end they laugh each other on how they always bicker on their training. Sometimes after they bicker they race each other until they arrive in front of stairs of the castle where they see Aqua and Terra would spar each other there sometimes.

I remeber when we tranverse around the worlds as our feelings grow each day and we became oblivious on how jealous we were...

"Are you alright?" Ven asked as he helps Snow White by holding out his hands. (Y/n) felt a twinge of jealousy in her heart as she watch behind the sidelines. Ven noticed how silent (y/n) is and ask her if she's okay. "..." silenced is only he can hear from (y/n) as she ignores him from the rest of the day.

"Okay, how about a one date?" Zack flirts with (y/n) as she her cheeks began flare up. Ven felt the very same way on how (y/n) felt when they came in the Dwarf Woodlands. Ven began to walk towards to them. "I'm sorry but we have to go," he grabbed (y/n)'s hands as they leave Zack standing dumbfoundly. (Y/n) was glad that Ven save her from Zack's flirtous attitude but confused at the same time when she saw a bit anger on Ven's face.

///You can play the song now///

All the memories I spent with you began to fade away like the flower petals began to WILT.... But mine will never fades... It will stay deep into my heart.... It will never WILT like those flower petals... Because you're with me right?

There sitting besides with a keyblade and a (f/c) wayfinder in the hands of a certain blond spiky boy. He cried in tears as he holds the wayfinder tightly as if it will vanish into the thin air.

And standing besides him is a (h/c) headed girl that wears a white sundress and a pair of sandals as the winds dance around making her dress flows into the summer's air.

"Don't cry Ven... You know that I'm here... Always beside you right?" She said in a sweet gentle voice that he yearns for so long.
"I know... but sometimes I feel lonely without you..." he sobbed in tears as he remembers that make his heart broke into pieces.


It was the final battle between the seekers of darkness and the guardians of light. The last battle that make their hearts felt sorrow and cried in agony especially him.

I was battling my other half Vanitas as he strike with his dark keyblade. We fought each other. Blade to blade and magic to magic. Little I didn't notice that he summons an Unversed behind my back, "Ven! Look out!!" Sora cried but I was too late reacted. I was about waiting for impact but I saw that widen my eyes.

It was you... It was you that save me that day... My blood runs cold as I saw that you took the damage instead of me... your body falls to the ground. I was about to go towards to you but Vanitas blocks my way with that evil smirk he held.

We fought and fought until I won. The war ended as sky clears up. Everyone went to (y/n)'s body. I ran their first as I clutch your body into my arms. Blood is all I can see on your wounded part which located at your torso. "Ven..  next time... be careful... on your surrounding... okay," she chuckles lightly.

"Idiot! Why?!?! Why?!?! Why... did you... do it?" I exclaim as my tears began to fall into her (s/c) cheeks. She said nothing and smiles at me as she held my hand with her bloody ones. I was confused until she game her wayfinder.

"I love you..." the exact same words she said to me as she held her hands to my cheeks.

My tears still cascading down as I kiss her sweet delicate lips. She kissed back but her hands began to limp down and I look at her, she shed a tear with a smile on her face. "I love you too..."  her body soon disperse into a white petals into the mid air. Its already too late to save her now... 

Everyone wept and mourn on our dear friend but to me she's my heart, my other half that completes me. The next day we place her keyblade under a tree on the summit where we hangout and stargaze out here during the night.

~End of Flashback~

"You know... Its not your fault..." she said.

"I know..." I replied with a hint of sadness as my tears began to dry.

She grabbed my cheek as she faces me. "Ven... I know that you can't move on like our friends... but promise me that you will smile not forced nor fake... the genuine one." (Y/n) replied with the voice that still have a while ago.

I nodded as she let's go my cheeks and walk toward in the middle of it. Her dress flows as the winds still blows in the midsummer's air. "Always remember, I'm right here with you always in your heart." She look at me with her closed eyed smile and tear slips in to her delicate skin as she began to disperse into a white crystals like a figment of my memories into the thin air.

I look at her keyblade and look at the starry night sky and I heard her gentle voice that rang to my ears as I spoke together with her, "Forever... Always..."

Hi guys!!! Another chappie!! Yay!!  I did make another tragic tale like the first part I did. And I still don't have any regrets that I kill you in the story. So am I forgiven right??? *the readers began to ready to throw something to author* Okay...*sweat drops* before you kill me... I just wanna thank you guys for the 1.59k reads in the stories!!! I hope you enjoy my works!!!! So buh-bye my moogles! Kupo! *author starts to ran as the readers tried to kill her* Oh ghad!!!! Help meh!!!!

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