Chapter 13

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We walked out of the cafe, hand in hand. It was really dark outside. Like we could see nothing as we went along, the light from our mobiles didn't help either.

We stumbled along the ally way together.

Suddenly Amy let out a scream and I felt her fall to the ground.

"Sh*t Amy! Are you okay!?"

I helped her up.

She was all soaked from the puddle she'd fallen in.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. I just tripped."

"Don't apologise, poor you." I said. I wasn't very good in these situations.

That's when we heard someone coming.

We heard voices. Deep, loud voices. Drunk voices.

It was easy to tell when they where infront of us. I could make out their shadows. And I could smell the beer on their breaths.

"OI!" One of them shouted, I felt Amy's hand shake.

"Get out of our way." One of them shouted.

I took a deep breath. "Well actually we where infront of you first so you guys should let us past first."

"Harry shut up!" Hissed Amy. I could hear the fear in her voice.

"Oh so you've got a girl with you have you?" Said one.

"Yes I have. Now let us past now."

I pulled Amy and tried pushing past them but one pushed me back and I hit my head against the brick wall behind me.

As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could see pretty well now. One of them, the leader of the group I think grabbed Amy.

"Now." He said, "if you don't let US past first, well take your little girlfriend and you'll never see her again. Will he sweetheart?" He sais tipping her chin towards his face and smirking.

I felt panic in me at the thought of anything happening to her.

"Okay" I said. "After you."

They all laughed and shoved Amy to the side. I heard the thump and gasp as her body was thrown back on to the hard brick.

They ran off laughing.

"Amy! Are you okay?"

She was crying. and shaking. I held her in my I'd never let go.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's my fault for taking you down here we should have just gone to McDonald's I just. Wanted it to be special." My voice trembled.

What if they'd taken her?, what if they'd, what if?-

"It's okay" she breathed.

And then I did the obvious.

I leant forward, gently pushing her back onto the wall and pressed my lips on hers. I don't know how long we stood there, our body's pressed together, kissing.

Then I walked her all the way home.

I kissed her again. And then she walked off.

I watched her walk inside.

Then I started waking home myself.


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