Chapter 2 - First Year

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I do not own Harry Potter at all. All book and movie credit goes to the magnificent J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros.

Ch. 2 - Still first year(: first year will be this chapter and maybe one more after .. Then second year will be around 2 chapters and third year will be around 4 and so on(: vote and review please!


Draco's POV:

I got on a boat with Crabbe and Goyle. Their fathers were friends with mine, so I had the privilege of being their friends.

"Crabbe. Goyle." I said while getting in.

"Hello Draco." they both responded.

"Where's Nott?" I asked looking around.

"Dunno. His father got in trouble with the ministry again, so I expect he'll be coming later on." Goyle responded.

I nodded. Theodore Nott was one of my only real friends at the time. Blaise Zabini was my other friend, but we weren't quite as close as Theo and I.

As we floated gently across the water, my classmates stared in awe at the castle, many pointing and gasping. I was doing the same, without any of the gasping and pointing.

We hit the docks softly, announcing our arrival. We all piled out of our boats, and I looked around for Hermione. I couldn't see her anywhere.

We followed a rather large, hairy man into the castle and filed up the stairs to see an older women with a large hat on.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," She announced to us first years, "Now, in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you can take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses." she paused and took a look at the crowd, "They are Gyriffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin."

I smirked at Goyle knowingly. I had to look happy on the outside, otherwise they might question me.

"Now while you're here, your houses will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule-breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will be awarded the House Cu-" she was cut off by the boy I saw with Hermione earlier.

"TREVOR!" He yelled, running up and picking up his toad.

The old women scolded the boy and he looked up, embarrassed.

"Sorry..." he mumbled walking back.

She began again, "The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily."

She walked up the stairs and toward a hallway, away from us. I took that as my opportunity to make a new friend.

"So it's true then, what they've been saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." I announced to no-one in particular.

Gasps and mumbles started immediately, but I cut them off.

"This is Crabbe," I said, gesturing to him, "and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

A taller red haired boy snickered.

"Think my names funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair," I sneered, "and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley. I think you'll find out that some wizards my families are better than others, Potter."

I continued, "Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort," I say, glaring at the Weasley boy, "I can help you there." I put my hand out.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." Potter replied.

I feel a tap on my should and turn to see the old women from earlier. She was looking at me disapprovingly. I walked back by Crabbe and Goyle.

"We're ready for you now. Follow me." She announced to us all.

I started walking forward and see Hermione talking to a girl with short brown hair and bangs. I tried walking up to her, but the crowd pulled me back.

I looked around the room to see four different tables; Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Ravenclaw. Without even seeing their uniforms, you can tell one house from another.

Slytherin: the scarier, meaner looking bunch. Hufflepuff: the smiling, happy looking group. Ravenclaw: the smiling, hesitant looking ones. And, of course, Gryffindor: the bold and happier group. They were all good in their own ways.

We walk to the front of the massive room, past the other tables, and toward the professors.

The old women started up again, "Wait along here, please. Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." she announced as a very old and frail looking man with a rather large, pale beard and half moon spectacles on, walked forward.

I immediately recognized him from my Chocolate Frog cards. Father had always told me that he was a great wizard, yet his intellect lacked, causing him to demise a bit. The Dark Lord, as father called him, was rather the same, except for the intellect part. Father said that the Dark Lord used his powers wisely and the way they should be used, unlike Dumbledore.

"I have a few start-of-term notices I would like to announce." Dumbledore said, silencing the whole room, "For the first years, please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden for all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch," he pointed at a shabby looking man toward the back of the room, "would like to remind you that the third floor corridor, on the left hand side, is out-of-bounds for everyone who do not wish to die a most painful death." He finished and sat back down.

I looked nervously at Crabbe. A most painful death? What were they hiding in this school?

The old women got up and pulled out a list, "Now when I call your name, you will come forth and I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses." She stopped and looked now at her list before reading the first name, "Hermione Granger!" She called out.

Wow... Hermione is first. I hope she gets a good house. She walked up nervously and started mumbling to herself. I can just hear the Weasley boy mumble mental and Potter nodding. She sits and the sorting hat gets placed on her head.

"Ahh.. Right then... Hmm.. Right. Okay, Gryffindor!" the hat finally decided.

Cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table. I was rather upset that she wasn't Slytherin or anything else. Then I could maybe still talk to her.

"Draco Malfoy!" the old women called out.

I walk up, slightly nervous. The hat doesn't even touch my head and it yells out, "Syltherin!"

Once again, cheers erupted from the table, except this time it was Slytherin. I make my way to the table and sit down by Marcus Flint. His father was friends with mine, so we knew each other.

"Susan Bones!" the woman called.

A pudgier girl with long red hair and lots of freckle walked up. If the lady hadn't just said her name, I would've figured she was another Weasley.

The names started flowing off the list until we were done. Harry Potter getting sent to Gryffindor. It didn't surprise me though, all the good guys went there.

After the feast was finished, we heading to the Slytherin common room. We all just sat talking to old friends and making new ones. I was talking to Terence Higgs, the Slytherin seeker. We were having a chat about Theo's father.

"Why does he have to go on trial thought?" I asked puzzled.

"Draco. He, like many of our fathers, was or still is, a death eater. He got caught torturing a muggle-born." He told me with a bit of despair in his voice.

I don't know how Higgs got into Syltherin. He's way too soft.

"Oh." that was all I said. I ended the conversation, heading to bed.

I had dreams about Hermione. Dreams filled with what was to be the future.


Hermione POV:

"Gryffindor!" The sorting hat called out.

Oh my Merlin. I was a Gryffindor, the house of bravery! I didn't think I was brave, but if the sorting hat believes it, I'm okay. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were my main choices, and I'm happy I got Gryffindor. I'm glad I didn't get Slytherin. I would've liked to be in the same house as Draco, but he might be too different from me.

When the feast finished, we headed up to the Gryffindor common room. Our head boy, Percy Weasley, told us where we could find our rooms and our things. I shared a room with the Patils and Katie Bell.

When the chatter quieted and people started going to bed, I followed. I hit the soft mattress with a thud and fell into a rather wondrous, dreamless sleep.



Hmm.. So Hermione has a dreamless sleep , but Draco dreams of her... Who's already falling for who ?(; haha hope you enjoyed this chapter. It definatly wasn't my best work, but it was okay. Next chapter will be up soon! Please vote and review!

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