As I was about to reach the handle and finally be free,  when a large and strong arm suddenly wrapped around my waist pulling me back then pushed my back hard against the wall.

Shocked and scared at the same time all I could do was look up into two bright yellow eyes that I have never seen before in my life. I didn't even think it was possible. I feel like I could stare into them forever. This man in front of me was huge and radiated power. Little by little I didn't feel scared any more but safe.

I still could not look away from him. All I could do was look into his yellow eyes. They were beautiful but in a way strange. I have never seen these types of eyes before; I don't think it was even possible. I feel like I can stare into them forever.

"Baby?" I heard a female voice filled with what I could hear was a hint of lust or love that made my heart feel a joint of pain.

The moment he turned towards the females voice I quickly took the opportunity and slipped away from him and ran out the door as fast as I could.

I had not realized it was snowing but I didn't care, I needed to get away so I just kept running. Tired and out of breath I had to stop and rest. I had forgotten that I was barefooted and with no jacket in the middle of the forest while it was winter.

It had started to snow heavy which was really common around these areas.

Great.  Just great. It's snowing and I have no idea where I am.

I thought to myself.

Aren't I just the luckiest person on earth?

Looking around all I could see were trees and trees then more trees.

I have to find shelter. Something, anything but going back to that place. Just being there feels strange.

Again I started to move on forward, while my feet felt like ice but I had to ignore it and keep on going.

Maria's POV 

It's already noon by the time I reach the pack house. In a way I am happy and nervous and the same time to be able to see Anna again after all these years. She must still remember me. I hope.

I smiled at the thought.

As I entered the large house I saw Alpha Von just standing there at the foot of the stairs staring blankly towards the floor.

"Von? Good morning? Uhm. May I ask what you are doing?" I asked curiously.

He slowly looked up at me with a strange emotion in his eyes like he seemed lost or broken.

"Von? Whats wrong? Are you alright?" I started to get worried.

"Nothing. Its nothing." He said quickly with no emotion. 

"Oh. Okay then. I will just check up on the human then." I said quietly as I tried to side step him to go up the stairs.

"Don't even bother. She' s gone." He said flatly then walked away towards the kitchen.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean she's gone?" I quickly asked him. 

"She left. Just minutes ago." He stopped and answered in a monotone voice.

"She. She can't just get up and walk away. Her wounds and and injuries were severe. Very severe. Why didn't you stop her!" I answered back angrily, and still confused. Oh Anna, where did you go? Has it already started? Are you finally going to be beyond reach? Oh god please dont let it so.

"She's gone okay! She ran into the woods! She ran away!" He shouted back angrily his voice filled with such emotion I couldn't explain.

"And you just let her? How could you?" I shouted at first then ended with a whisper.

He just kept staring at the counter top. He seemed strangely odd today. I had to ignore him and focus on Anna. I headed towards the back door in the kitchen when I heard his voice. 

"Where are you going?" He looked straight into my eyes.

I inhaled and exhaled slowly. 

"If she is who I think she is, then she will die in the cold. If she stays too long in the snow in her current state. She will definitely not survive. I won't be able to forgive myself if something happens to her." I expalined quietly.

He looked at me shocked "You knew her?? You knew her this whole time and did not even have the decency to inform me, your Alpha! You shouldn't have brought her here! She should've went to the hospital not to this house!" He angrily answered.

I wasn't scared at all. He may be my alpha but he didn't frighten me one bit. I stood my ground. "You called me or say you had me called here. You were the one who had let her stay here. You are the one who hit her with your truck. This. This is all on you." I softly answered.

He stared to say something but another voice suddenly interrupted.

"Maria? Von? Baby, what's going on?" The alpha's so called mate came into the kitchen. I thought she was at her parents house but I guess a mate is a mate. Why it is her, I have no idea. I wish the goddes didn't choose her. She doesn't deserve Von. But, what can I do.

"Don't concern yourself anymore." I answered and turned around about to head out the door. 

"Your mate is here." I said coldy then I quickly left out the door of the pack house and into the cold.

Anna's POV

It seemed like hours since I had been walking and still I couldn't find the highway or any other signs of life atleast a decent civilization around here.

I felt so cold, I didn't have anymore energy to go on. Breathing heavily I fell to my knees panting. My vision slowly turning dark. 

So cold. So cold. Cold. Cold. Help. Someone Help. I whispered softly into the wind.

"Anna! Anna!" I could hear someone calling out my name in the distance.

"I'm here. I'm here." I tried to yell out but it only came out as a whisper.

Then my whole body collapsed against the cold dirt ground. My vision was becoming blurry and vague when I felt two large warm arms wrap tightly and securely around my body then I suddenly felt like I was floating. After a couple seconds as my breathing became heavier and heavier, darkness enveloped my whole body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2016 ⏰

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