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(Laney's pov)

'I feel two strong muscular arms around me. I wake up and see corey with his arms wrapped around my waist.
I can't believe me and core had sex....' I think in my head.

"Morning lanes" Core says opening his eyes.

"Morning core...." as I said that I felt pain in my stomach and I had a headache.

I run to the bathroom and start puking in the tolet.

"Lanes are you okay!?" Core says worriedly.

"Core can I ask you a question..." I ask corey.

"Yea lanes what is it?" He says back.

"Did you use protection when we did it?" I ask him.

Did corey use protection!? Or is laney pregnant!?

Find out next time!

Thanks for coming out everyone!
*shuts groj door*

grojband: three is a crowd!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant