Chapter One

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(Why am I freaking nervous I've literally done this before)

*Chapter One*

Hailey Pierce's P.O.V

I grimaced, settling myself more comfortable on my best friends bed.

She was speaking, far too quickly, quivering with an unabashed excitement that even I couldn’t bring myself to roll my eyes at. Her brown eyes widened as she caught my gaze, I sighed.

“Come on Hailey!” she whined, running a hand exasperatedly down her face as if I was giving her physical pain by not being as enthralled as she was. “Please! I want you to come. You have to come! You’re my best friend!” I laughed, she was trying so hard.

She scowled and I shrugged, “I dunno Kiara, One Direction. Really?”

A gleam of something wavered behind her eyes, it almost looked like she wanted to argue- instead, she slumped further down into her desk chair, seemingly resigned. “I know you don’t like boy bands but-”

I raised my eyebrows and she sighed, “-fine, bubble gum pop boy bands… but I swear” she took a deep hasty breath, “-I swear they aren’t the band they were with What Makes You Beautiful, I swear!”

I chewed thoughtfully on my bottom lip, surveying her.

I was adamant not to listen to their music, I didn’t have much against the band. I just didn’t understand their music. I liked songs with meaning. The last song I had heard of theirs was a song I had mistakenly heard on the radio a couple of months ago, I hadn’t changed the station because I didn’t realize it was them.

‘One Way Or Another’

Kiara told me it was for charity. The thought behind that was nice but, you can’t really beat Blondie’s original. I redirected my gaze to her and she was staring back at me with a frown. “How can you not like them?” she asked quietly.

I bit back the remark about being a nineteen year old girl who didn’t have time for child’s play but due to the fact that every time I had mentioned this, she retaliated with a- “Louis’ like, nearly twenty two”. So, just no.

I shrugged, and she sat up straighter.

“Come on. Please?”

I knew Kiara had other friends, so if I did actually say no she could go with them. But the look she was giving me was so… puppy like, and it was horribly kind of cute and I wanted to hit her.

I weighed my options silently, a concert, with my best friend- to watch an apparently ‘Punk Rock’ boy band in a room full of ‘carrots’ (according to Kiara this meant young or new fans) who would be screaming and yelling things such as ‘Harry, give me some of your gravy’ or, ‘Harry, sit on my face!’ (Kiara informed me of this with a scowl on her face, ‘Immaturity’ she had said). All I had wondered was why she had only mentioned Harry being fawned over (he must be something), because she was kind of obsessed (-not obsessed, just in love with) the other member, Zayn?



Or, I could ditch her and maybe spend the weekend watching reruns of Sherlock Holmes on my laptop. Or maybe rewatch The Vampire Diares. Who knows. I’d see where the magic took me.

Maybe a little bit of comedy. Grown Up’s 2 can never be watched too many times.

I groaned, I really wanted to stay home tonight.


I slammed my face onto her desk, sighing loudly.

“Really?” Sarcasm laced my tone. “Really? I can’t believe you’re making me do  this”

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