2: A New Hell

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      It had been about a month since you've moved to the school now. You had made enemies, but you had also made a friend in Jake. You had grown close to him. He stood up for you when people bullied you. You stood up for him when they bullied him, which was more often than it should have been. He was kind to everyone, no matter how much crap he went through. You wished you could be like him. He was gay, so he was different, so he didn't fit in, so he was outcasted. Yes, Jake English was gay. That explains the shorts.

        His boyfriend, Dirk, was a good person. He didn't talk to you much, but when he did at least he wasn't rude. Dirk didn't get as much crap as Jake. He was well built and muscular, not the type of person you would think to mess with, even if you did despise his moral decisions. Jake was scrawny and small, so he was an easier target. Just like you.  

        As far as you could tell, things were only going to be worse here than at the other school. People outcasted you because you were always quiet, because you got good grades, because you were the kid who avoided people. They didn't even take the time to get to know you, not that you would have let them, and they already decided you weren't worth the oxygen you took up. You knew that it was partially your fault for not trying to make a better impression, but you just wished that for once maybe someone would actually try. Someone like Jake. He was the first person you had really trusted in awhile. You got on with Dirk alright too. Sometimes, though, your history and the others besides Jake and his lover would be too much for you to handle. Times like today.

          "Hey, look who it is!" You hear a call from the distance. You scowl, you know that voice all too well. (I'm using random names so if this is your name I am sorry) Kennedy. She was one of the most conceited, rude, arrogant people you had ever known. " I'm talking to you, loser." She called again. You grimace and keep walking until a foot trips you. She had somehow gotten in front of you and tripped you, causing all of your stuff to spill everywhere. You just wanted to get to class. "I don't want any trouble. Just say what you want and please go." You try. You know it won't work, but hey, anything is worth a shot.

        "Aww, you think you can get off that easy after ignoring me. Cute." She smirks, it's an evil toad-like smirk, and it gets her message across. You gulp, fearing what's coming next. "You had better be scared. I will end you, you will never have a social life. Not like you had one anyways, you insignificant little prat." Before she and her entourage head off, she gives you a nice slap on the cheek, causing some blood to trickle up to the surface before gliding slowly down your face. You wipe it off, not bothering to go to the nurse, before heading to your next class. English. Where you sit next to Jake. 

      "What in the dickens happened to you?" He asked, noting the mark on your cheek. Though you want nothing more than to curl into a ball and cry useless tears, his choice of words can't help but make a small smile appear on your face, causing him to as well. "Nothing, just the wrong place at the wrong time." You say. He nods, though worry still plasters his face. Your smile fades as you trudge your way through the rest of the school day.

       "Why are you still here? Shouldn't you have gone crying to your Jakey by now?" Kennedy remarks. The evil smirk from earlier has reappeared on her face. At this point you are tired, you feel like crap, school is over, and you are just done with her crap. You figure you may as well retaliate since you have no hope at a social life anyways. No use in letting your comeback skills go to waste. "No, see, unlike you, I don't need a man to make me feel valid." Quite proud of yourself, you begin to  walk away though you know she won't let you. "Oh, you think you're so clever, huh? You know, the world would be a better place if you just found a building to jump off of." 

     At this point you snapped, but you weren't about to give her the satisfaction of knowing that. "I do think I'm clever. That would explain why my grades are actually above a failing one. And if I wanted to do jump off something and kill myself I don't need to find a building, I would just jump off your ego and land on your I.Q." She looked shocked, which gave you satisfaction as you continued to walk away, still feeling broken but not yet letting it show. That is, until you felt a sharp pain in the side of your face. It was her fist hitting you, right by your eye, causing you to fall to the ground. "You shouldn't have said that. You're nothing but a waste of space, and you think you have a right to talk to ME like that? All you do is screw things up. You only get good grades  because you have no social life, or any life, to do other things with besides study. Your parents probably even hate you." You knew all this was true, you had heard it a thousand times before. What broke you once and for all was what she said next.

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