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Start the song in the media. It's Don't Go by Bring Me The Horizon featuring Lights. 

Three weeks after the funeral, Jenna is driving to a hospital in uptown Ohio. Mark called her earlier and told her that he wanted to show her something. It had been the first time she talked to him since the trial, and honestly, Jenna thought that after what had happened there, Mark would never speak to her again.

"Mr. Joseph, on any normal occasion, court would be adjourned and I would take a few days to deliberate. However, in this case, that isn't necessary. You have been found guilty on four counts of first degree murder. You will serve four concurrent life terms with a chance of parole."

Jenna stands in shock as her client's fate is read aloud. She lost. They lost. Immediately, she put her hand near Tyler's, but he pulls away. "Ty..." she whispers softly, but the 25 year old just shakes his head.

"The jury is thanked and excused. Court is adjourned."

Jenna can't even make her limbs react when Tyler is taken by guards, presumably to Belle Reve. She just stands there, time floating around her. All the days they had spent together trying to make Tyler's freedom a reality... it meant nothing. It had counted for nothing. Wentz makes his way to Jenna.

"You had to see this coming. You simply weren't prepared, and he simply wasn't innocent," the man says, smoothing his tie flat down his chest.

"Actually, I didn't see it coming," Jenna says quietly, her voice sounding distant and light. Peter only laughs at her, shaking his head and leaving the courtroom. Jenna wipes at her eyes. She doesn't really know why, there are no tears coming out. Maybe it's because she should be crying. She takes in a deep breath, then makes her exit. She can hear a number of footsteps around her, but she's more concerned about the-

"Dr. Black! Did you know this was going to happen?"

"How does it feel to have defended a convicted murderer?"

"Jenna, do you think it was rigged?"

Lights flashed as paparazzi pushed microphones and cameras into her face. Jenna sighed, trying her best to ignore them all. Soon, their questions shifted, the paparazzi pushing past her to approach whoever had just exited the courthouse.

"Mark, how do you feel about the ruling?"

"Dr. Eshleman, why wasn't he proven insane?"

"What more could you have done?"

Jenna keeps walking to her car, not at all ready to face Mark. But when she gets in her vehicle, she hears the click of the passenger door opening, watching Mark slip himself inside. They both remain silent for a few moments, until Mark finally speaks.

"This is your fault."

His words hang heavily in the air for a while. He's right, Jenna can admit it. She doesn't need him to keep talking, but of course, he does.

"If you had let me tell them the truth, he'd be fine. If you hadn't left out information and left Zack up there without a freaking response, Tyler would be fine right now!"

"Don't you try to blame this on me! You could have told them the truth up there, you chose not to!"

Mark rolled his eyes. "Yeah, tell them the truth and then what? Leave you even more unprepared than you already were. Jesus, we've been working on this defense for months and you couldn't get it right, imagine what would have happened if I had went on something like that on a minute's notice! I was trying to help you because I thought that you could make this work. But you couldn't. You might as well have done nothing."

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