Chapter 2

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Bailey's P.O.V.
I woke up around six in the morning with a ginormous headache. I pushed the covers off of my legs, careful not to wake Niall up, and headed into the bathroom to take some medicine.

"Princess, you alright?" I heard Niall's deep morning voice say from the doorway of the bathroom.

"I didn't mean to wake you." I replied as I turned around.

"That's alright. I have to head to the studio early anyways. I have a meeting about my new album." He explained.

"That's exciting." I replied

Today was the day that I fly to New York to see Kathy. I'm getting interviewed for a job at the fashion place that she works at. Of course, the job would all be online and I would have to be on call ALL the time.

"Ready to go see Kathy?" Niall asked me as I followed him down the hallway. When I reached the living room a sharp pain formed in my chest. My arms were immediately raised to my chest as I fell to the ground.

"Bailey, what hurts? Please talk." Niall begged me. I couldn't talk, I was too out of breath.

A few moments moments later the sharp pain started going away. I finally stood up and looked at Niall. Tears were filling his eyes and he had a worried look spread across his face.

"I'm good now. I just breathed wrong." I lied.

"Don't mess with me. I don't know what that was but you did NOT breath wrong." He was grabbing my arm, keeping me from moving away.

"Niall, please. Can I go grab my suit case so we can go to breakfast before the airport?" He gave me a look and it too him a moment to let go. I walked back to my bedroom and grabbed my suit case that has been packed for weeks.

"Bailey, I'm not sure you should fly halfway across the world. Maybe we should go see a doctor?"

"No, absolutely no doctor. That won't be necessary." I marched out the door and threw the suit case in the back before climbing into the drivers seat.


"Are you sure?" Niall spoke through the window of the car as I was getting my bags out of the back of the Tesla.

"Niall, if you don't trust me then why am I still here?" I snapped.

He was in the "drop-off" lane at the front of the airport. I was getting very impatient and annoyed with his constant nagging and worrying.

"Ok, ok, sorry Bailey. I'm just worried about you. That's all." He turned back to face the front of the car.

I walked to the passenger side and leaned in through the window to say my final goodbye before I flew away.

"I know, Ni. But there's nothing to be worried about. I'll call you if I need you!" I blew him a small kiss before turning away and walking through the large glass doors.

Niall's P.O.V.
I wasn't even 200 feet away from the airport when I was already calling Kathy to tell her about this morning.

"Hey Ni. What's up?" She answered.

"I wanted to talk to you about something that happened with Bailey this morning. She doesn't thin it's serious but I think it is." I explained

"Ok? Go on."

"She claimed she just breathed wrong. I was talking to her and I turned around and she was on the floor curled up in a ball. She claimed it was 'just a small chest pain.'"

"Did you take her to a doctor? Is she still there?" Kathy asked.

"I just dropped her off at the airport. She said the doctor wasn't necessary." I explained.

"Niall, you shouldn't have listened to her. I'm taking her to-"

"Kathy, just keep an eye on her. If anything weird happens, then call me and take her to a doctor." I tried to calm her down.

"Fine. I'll text you when I pick her up at the airport."

"Thank you." I said before she hung up.


I had just finished my meeting. I received some not so good news.

I can't leave Ireland until I finish recording the whole album.

Ugh, I hate that. This new Dublin record that I signed with is a lot different than the UK record I had previously been on. But, I guess it's my job and I have to respect that.

I got in the car and put the key in the ignition. Before I could speed off towards home my phone started ringing. I dug it out of my pocket and found Harry's face in the center.

"Hey Haz." I spoke as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Hey Ni. Whatcha doing while Bailey is in New York?" He immediately asked.

"Umm, working. Why?" I asked suspiciously.

"Liv and I need a vacation really bad. Can you come and watch Alfie and Baxter for a week or two?"

"Ya know, I totally would but Dublin isn't letting me leave until I completely finish the album." I huffed so he could figure out how annoyed I was.

"Ouch. That's harsh."

"Yeah, but I would have loved to watch Alfie." I said. I could her a lot of yelling in the background and when Harry didn't answer I knew it was Liv yelling at him.

"Niall Horan, you are watching my son and my dog wether you come here or we bring them to you!" Liv shouted through the phone.

"You know, I totally would but-"

"Great, we'll be on the first flight tonight. Harry will text you the details." And with that she hung up.

I guess I'm watching my one year old nephew for a week.

Harry's P.O.V.
"Liv, this really isn't appropriate. Shouldn't we just call Gemma or my mom?" I tried to talk my wife out of leaving our son with Niall.

"It would take them weeks to get here. Niall is watching him."

"Niall is working. My mother is not. Can't we just-"

"Harold, get outside and start that car. I'm going on vacation tomorrow wether you like it or not." Olivia snapped at me.

"How about you go fly to New York and see your sister and Bailey while I take Alfie and Baxter to Dublin. Deal?" I yelled back. Alfie started to cry and baxter had no idea what was going on.

Tears started pouring down from her eyes. I immediately felt like it was all my fault.

"Liv, I-"

"I'm so sorry, Harry. I'm just so stressed about trying to find a new teaching job and finding a daycare for Alfie. You're starting your movie soon and I-"

"Leave the daycare up to me. I'll figure something out while you're in New York. Ok?" I spoke softy and hugged my wife while we listened to the baby cry in the background.

I felt her head nod against my chest so I gently kissed her forehead. She looked me in the eyes and we smiled. I picked up our suit cases and she grabbed the baby. Baxter followed us out to the car and immediately jumped in when I opened the trunk.

"How long is it from here to New York?" Olivia asked me.

"Maybe eight or nine hours? You'll have time to sleep but please, take a break from all work for the next week and a half, alright?" I told her.

She nodded and we headed to the airport with five suitcases, a baby, and a dog.

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