Do you wanna kill the batman?

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Jay was taking ages, so I went to find Puddin. Then I thought, he could be in his room, he'd hate me if he knew I saw it. My iPhone was ringing, it was Jay. I didn't want to, but I answered it.
"Hi!" I said, cheerfully
"Hi, where are you Harley?"
"Erm... exploring?"
"No, Harley. I can tell you're not. You're looking for my brother, am I correct?"
"Yes... I couldn't help it! Even though he's a pink maniac, I WANT HIM BAACCKK!"
"Ok, ok. I'll be right by his room, Kay?"
I ended the call and ran straight to his room; on my way I saw him, looking in his pink diary.
"Mr. J? Do you wanna kill the batman? C'mon let's beat the town!"
"HARLEY? WHA... WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He wailed, whilst hiding his pink diary. "Err, no not now. Go play with Ivy or something."
"Or maybe you're ignored sister, Jay?"

"Wait, you know her? But how?"
I smirked whilst walking off, looking for Jay. She was as slow as a snail! Nope! She just HAD to sneak up behind me...

 "AHH! Oh, it's only you, Jay. Your brother is acting strange. Why doesn't he wanna kill Batsy with us?" I asked,

"Because he's secretly a wimp who likes Batman. Or should I say, my brother."

Jay and Harley - Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now