[twenty five]

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tylerjblackburn: Hi


tylerjblackburn: you don't have to be so formal you know

I know, I'm choosing to. What did you want to talk about?

tylerjblackburn: I wanted to apologize. For everything


tylerjblackburn: what do you mean?

Tyler we've been  broken up for a solid 7 months now. And I still don't even know why.

you just got the hell up and left. You didn't say goodbye, didn't give me a reason

you didn't even have the decency to leave me a note

tylerjblackburn: I know. And I'll never forgive myself for that

tylerjblackburn: the truth is I just got freaked out, Dani. We were moving so fast and I didn't know how to handle it. So I left

you could have just explained that to me

tylerjblackburn: I know. I'm sorry.

Tyler I don't think you're a bad guy. You're a great guy. But you can't just run away from your problems like that. You freaking killed me when you left.

tylerjblackburn: I know that now. I am so sorry

Listen...I really like Grant. And I really don't want anything to ruin that

tylerjblackburn: oh I know!! I totally get that and i hope you don't think i was trying to break you guys up or anything

tylerjblackburn: im really sorry for all this

Thank you. I appreciate the apology 😚

tylerjblackburn: so...are we cool?

Yeah. We're cool

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