Chapter 2

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"Hey Sueann! You will not believe what I just been trough after I tell you about it you would be so freaked out and said I must be hallucinating. Well I'm not. "

She looked up from whatever she was drawing "What? " I sighed and sit down.

"Karry Wang winked at me."

She just stared at me. "Don't stare at me like that.  It's freaking me out! Say something! " She laughed she friggin laughed. 

"What's so funny? " I ask her furious. It's a good sign that says she's not emo anymore.

"You should've seen your face it's priceless. " she said through a fit of giggles.

I rolled my eyes.  "Your lucky your my friend. "

We talked for a few minutes then the class go bananza again. 

"Tf boys is here! " some random girl yelled. Ugh I knew it.

"Ooo there is Karry Wang! " Sueann yelled. I don't get it that asshole broke her heart and she still like him. 

Sueann nudged me when I didn't look at her she jammed her fist in my ribs.  That is painful.

I finally look up just in time to see Karry coming this way.

Leave me alone!

He ploped down in the chair beside me.

Why!  Help me god! I did not do anything to him!

"Hey what's your name? " Seems like god is not helping me.

Silence is his response. He changed his approach to Sueann.

Oh come on. Really?

"Hey Sueann right? What's your friend's name? " Sueann just stared at him blankly. He waved a hand in front of her then look at me.

"Is your friend okay? She's not moving?"

I wanted to yell at him Of course she's not alright you just broke her heart a month ago, you dumbass.

But I kept quiet.

He put his hands up in surrender and yell to the whole class.

"Hey can somebody please tell me what's the name of this girl. " No!

Of course he fans will surely tell him who I am. Fuck themselves.

"Her name is Jong Joe Yee! "

Yay!  Fuck me.

"Oh so your name is Jong Joe Yee.  That's too long I'll call you Joey like the baby kangaroo. Cute and fun. "

That tick something off.

"Don't call me that! "

"Finally she speaks! " I roll my eyes at him.

"Yes I speak dumbass." I heard his fans gasp and started murmuring something under their breath.

Then the teacher came in. Thank you I have never been so grateful that teacher came in.

School's over!

I was walking home when a black Lamborghini is following me. In walked faster. It drive faster to match my pace.

It suddenly drove off line and stop just a inch in front of me.  That is very close.

I wanted to yell are you crazy?  But stopped myself when I see who is it.

Wow I knew my answer when I saw his face. Crazy Karry Wang.

"Wanna ride? " I stared at him in disbelief.

He almost killed me and now he wanted me to ride with him  ? Only if I'm crazy.

I shook my head and walked past him.

Maybe he just wanted to mess with me. Maybe tomorrow will be back to normal.

I hope.

Karry Wang Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat