Chemistry is Wack!

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How are we suppose to do something like that?!?" Peter yelled at Mrs. Lewis.

"Well, that's all up to you guys..." The bell rang and she couldn't finished.


At lunch I met up with Riley since I haven't seen her all day. The thing was, instead of walking over to me, Riley walked over to Peter! Why is she hanging out with someone like him?

I sit down and Maya joins me soon after. "What the heck is that all about?" Maya wondered. "Did you two break up!?!" She gave me a sort of glare.

"Why would you even say that!" I protested.

"While, I see the way you look at me..." Crap! Maya knows I like her!

"Pshhh, what..."

"I'm joking! Calm down Ranger Rick, you know I'm into tough boys." I'm tough. While, tough enough.

Riley walks over with a big smile in her face. "What was that about?" I asked her.

"Oh nothing. Just chatting with an old friend." That was not just chatting! They were whispering, looking over at out table, they were being super creepy.

"Whatever you say peaches." Maya told Riley. Just than Peter walks over asking to speak with Maya. I stand up as if we're about to fight, but I casually walk it off acting like I'm throwing away my trash.


Maya's POV

Peter comes over and "needs" to talk. Lucas automatically stands up. Oh god, please no fighting. Last time something like this happened, Lucas punched Peter in the face! That was when we broke up.

Peter and I walk out of the room and he pulls me against a wall and kisses me. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that to you since our break up." He tells me.

He kisses me again until I pushed him off me. "Peter! You cheated on me!"

"Yea, so?" He wondered, kissing my neck slowly moving down. Just than we shuffled into a closet.

"Please, stop! I don't love you anymore." He didn't stop.

Peter tried to take off my shirt, but I rejected him. With that, he kissed my soft spot. Shit, I forgot he knew where that was. I croaked out a little moan.

"C'omon Maya, you know you love it!" Peter injected between kisses. I tried to get him off me once again, but his body is built like Lucas's. Trust me, I have no chance against him.

Peter started to take off my shirt and I gave up fighting, I knew I was never going to win. But than something flung him off me. A low, infuriated voice told Peter, "Like she said, you cheated on her."

I got up and looked to see who it was...


Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to have a cliff hanger at the end.

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