Chapter Three

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Despite his joking nature, she actually really enjoyed hearing that story, hearing about their extended friendship and their childhood. She smiled at Brian, who was smiling even bigger at the memory.

"He has literally dropkicked me on several occasions since then, so I don't really feel too bad about pushing him into that lake anymore," Brian told her.

He turned to Jimmy expectantly, anticipating a witty response. But he didn't reply.

"No comment?" Brian wondered. "No comeback?"

The only noise Jimmy emitted was a soft snore.

Brian let out a hearty laugh at his suddenly unconscious friend. "What an idiot."

"Have you guys really been friends that long?" She wondered.

"Yeah," he answered. "Nearly twenty years. And not a single moment has been dull."

"I believe that," she laughed. "Should we try to get him to his bunk?"

"Yeah," Brian exhaled, standing up. "Probably." He leaned over his friend and snapped his fingers in his face. "Jimbo, get up. Go lay in your bunk."

Jimmy simply snored louder.

"That's not gonna make him want to get up," Aubrey laughed. She moved off the couch and kneeled down next to Jimmy then moved his hair out of his eyes sweetly. "Jimmy," she cooed. "Come on, let's go get you comfy in your bunk."

Jimmy moved but only to snuggle up to Aubrey's legs, curled up like a little kid.

"Yeah, that's not gonna work either," Brian chuckled as he crouched down behind his best friend's head and lifted him upright from his shoulders.

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing?" Jimmy slurred, lazily trying to swat Brian's hands away from him as he was being pulled to his feet.

"Come on, man. You're gonna wake up with a killer crick in your neck if you sleep on the floor," Brian said, getting him to his feet.

"Piss off, let Aubrey carry me," Jimmy said, flinging himself onto her shoulders.

She laughed and tried to keep him upright despite the fairly large height difference. "Come on, big guy."

Brian stayed close behind, just in case Jimmy decided to go limp and take her down. Between the two of them, they managed to finagle him into his bunk. As she covered him with his blanket, he reached up and ruffled her hair.

"You're a doll," Jimmy said sweetly in a childlike voice.

"So are you, Jimmy," she replied with a grin.

Within seconds, he was snoring again. They pulled the curtain closed, laughing.

"He's a mess," Brian whispered.

"Like you said, never a dull moment," she replied quietly.

He stood in front of her, close but not touching; his eyes locked on hers. She glanced at his mouth and he swallowed hard. Why was he so drawn to her? She was a walking magnet and his dick was solid metal.

"Goodnight, Brian," she said softly.

"Night, Aubrey," he replied then watched as she climbed into her bunk.

He hesitated a moment then got into his own bed. He frowned, rubbing his face with both hands. It had only been a couple days since they had sex at the venue, why couldn't he keep his dick in his pants? Why didn't he want to? He tried to tell himself that it wouldn't happen again - it couldn't happen again - but he knew that the second the opportunity presented itself, he would go for it again.

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