Deathly Hallows part 2

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I waited in the seller for I don't know how long, I was trying to get free of the chains when the gate opened and my father walked in. I backed up a bit putting my hands up to defend myself but instead of him punishing me or taking away my memories he grabbed my wrist and unlocked the cuffs letting them fall to the floor. I was then pulled into his arms before I could say a thing and I was shocked but a part of me believed that it was just a trick. I pulled myself out of his arms and went behind one of the walls sticking my head out just enough to look at him. He looked upset that I didn't trust him and he had the elder wand in his hand. "You have no reason to fear me Nemanessia, I realize that the way I treated you before was wrong I promise I'll let you keep your memories I just want you back on my side." He said walking to me, I quickly put a spirit shield over myself as he tried to touch me. "I don't trust you father I still care for you and deep down I do love but you have to earn my trust." He then looked me in the eye through the shield. "Anything you want its yours my dear."
"Fine then I want you to leave Harry and my friends alone." He then turned his back to me. "Anything but that I'm sorry you don't understand but I have to kill Harry." "Why!" I yelled at him and like a bullet he turned back to me. "Because he is already trying to kill me he knows about my horcroxes and he's destroying them one by one and as you can see I can't last much longer." He was right he was looking more pale than usual and he looked like his hands could be broken if you tried honestly he looked frail and fragile. I let down the shield and walked in front of him and he looked at me with sad eyes. "Farther neither you nor Harry can live while the other survives at least that's what the prophecy said but the future is always changing please let this go I can talk to Harry tell him to stop and then you and me can leave please just stop your conquest for power and let us be a family you're the only family member I have left." He then took my hands in his and looked at me with sad eyes I didn't know this side of my father but I started to think it could be his kid self trying to break through. "I know and that is why I'm here to give something to think about." I looked at him confused and continued. "I shall allow you to leave back to Hogwarts school Severus is already waiting for you at the castle gates and I already packed your stuff." I then saw a suitcase behind him showing he was telling the truth. "Why are you doing this what's your game father?"
"No game my child I am simply giving you a choice." He then walking in circles around me as I watched him. "Think of this as a trial because which ever you choose will decide your future, you can choose my side and if you want I can end your betrothal with Draco, you'll be allowed to be with whoever you want and best of all everything that you did will forgiven and we can start over as a family." He stopped in front opening his arms wide. "And if I don't choose you?" He then put his down and looked at me coldly. "Then I will have no choice but to sentence you to Azkaban prison where you and me will work on our father daughter relationship I know this isn't how a father should be but you must understand I wasn't raised to be a loving father I had no one I was alone my whole childhood it was the big reason why your mother took pity on me and then we fell in love and I'm sure you feel pity for me as well." In truth he was right I did pity him he missed out on having parents to love him just like me. True I had my grandparents but that's not what I wanted when I was a little girl I wanted what my friend Harry wanted parents to love me and to be there for me but I had to face the reality. "I will go to Hogwarts but this doesn't change anything between us father I still love you and pity you but I can never go back to your side." He then evaporated us to Severus. "I hope you will change your mind because I would hate to lock you up in that terrible place." He said handing me my suitcase and putting his hand on my cheek like he used to all the time, and looking into his eyes I wondered how could a man like him become so evil. Father then evaporated us to the Hogwarts school. I pulled away and went through the gate with Severus.

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