Have you heard the news?!

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Emma's P.O.V 

I just finished for lunch on set of 'The Help' my phone started buzzing like crazy; I answered the call.. It was Mark Webb telling me I got the role of Gwen Stacey I was so happy! seconds later Bryce ran into my room "YOU GOT IT EM" she yelled and hugged me and it made me so happy I didn't think she'd react negatively but I'm glad I in some way got her blessing we sat and talked about filming when my phone began ringing it was a number I didn't recognize. I looked at Bryce and she gestured herself zipping her mouth. I laughed at her as I answered the call .. "Hello" "Hey Emma it's Andrew!" I instantly smiled at that British accent of his. "Oh hey! Are you stalking me? How did you get my number?" I playfully tease Andrew "Mark gave me it.. I'm..I'm not stalking you haha but congratulations you're officially going to be stuck with me for six years" "oh god.. not six years I couldn't think of anything worse.. but thanks I guess" I say jokingly Andrew laughs "So Emma I was thinking we should go get coffee and get to know each other more especially since you are playing my first love" "yeah of course, text me! I'm just on set so i'll arrange it with you during the week" "Perfect thank you Emma! Enjoy filming bye" "Goodbye Andrew" I smile and end the call. Bryce see's the smile on my face "You like him?" she says I blush and place my hand over my eye's "YOU DO!!! OH EMMM" I start laughing "stop, stop - I don't know kind of I guess, I barely know him" "That smile knows him" she retorts "BRYCEE PLEASE" we both just burst into laughter at me trying to be upset with her. 

Later that night I get a text from Andrew 


Hey Emma, Coffee 10:30am the coffee shop on the corner near the studio? 


Hey! Yeah sounds great see you there! 



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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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Dear Diary, I have everything... but himNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ