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"How does it feel to be back home?" Daniela felt two strong arms wrap around her torso and deep, low voice speak lowly in her ear. Even though her eyes were still closed, her mind was awake.

"It's good, but being by your side is even better." She responded turning to face her husband Toni. The two had just tied the knot about three months ago during the summer.

As a gift, Toni surprised his wife with the announcement of the moving to Madrid. Daniela was Spanish, so hearing when she heard the news she became ecstatic. Now she would be much closer to her family and friends, and make her feel more at home. But  she became worried that her husband wouldn't like his new club and mates.

Toni was professional football player, one of the best in the world. He was German and had resided there his entire life, until now. She didn't want him to change everything in his life just to please her. He didn't mind at all, and found this to be something new for the both of them.

"This is why I fall in love with you more and more, everyday." Toni smiled and gripped her sides as he left a kiss on her lips.

The couple decided to get up and begin their day by making breakfast together. The season had yet to start, so practices weren't scheduled everyday of the week as usual. Daniela already knew she would have to take advantage of him being here, before he becomes busy everyday.

Daniela raided the refridgerator to see what she would prepare for her husband. "Do egg and bacon paninies sound okay?" She asked.

"It's almost as if you read my mind," Toni happily said and kissed her cheek as he passed behind her. "I'll brew some coffee and cut up some fresh fruit for us."


It always fascinated him to see her so determined to be such a good house wife. She was indeed his definition of perfect and never failed his expectations.

"I forgot to mention earlier, Alvaro is having a barbecue at his later today. It's sort of a 'welcome to the team' sort of thing," Daniela listenend to her husband speak. "Their wives will be there and of course, I want you to be there with me."

"Oh babe, that's great! I'm taking it as you like the new team?" She asked with a hopeful tone. Her main priority was making sure that he didn't feel like an odd ball out.

Daniela had helped Toni with everything like learning the language, the basic customs, and what certain Spainards expected from others. He was overwhelmed at first but later found himself hitting off very well with most of the guys from the team.

Toni smiled and poured her coffee into he favorite blue mug. "I do, I have good feelings about this. I'm going to do everything I can in my power to make this work for me but mostly for us."

"You know I don't care if we live in cardboard box, as long as I have you, I'm totally fine with Madrid, Munich, London, hell even China." She laughed, making swift movements towards him. Daniela wrapped her arms around Toni's neck, and pecked his lips.

"I think we'd both be terribly lost in China." He joked, making her lean her face onto his chest. Toni couldn't but feel the same way. She was his home no matter what.

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