Perfect company.

Little did I know that she had a plan in her mind. I just didn't know what it was.

The drive was about twenty minutes long, and when we were at the nearest intersection to Royal Park, a lady greeted me and gave me a note. I assumed he was standing there, waiting for me to come by.

Austin must have done that.

The note read:

Jasmine, this picture is the first time we met. It was really awkward that day but I'm glad I met you. Although, I wish we met earlier than that.

It had a picture of me and Austin standing in front of each other, talking.

Soon enough, we reached the entrance of Royal Park. It was covered with all sorts of ribbons, fabric, lights, hearts, and balloons.

"Wow. Aren't you a lucky girl?" Cherry said as she gazed around the beautiful entrance.

"I sure am." I smiled.

By the gates, there were two guards and two police officers. The guards opened the gates for us to pass through. As soon as we entered the place, I was so amused by the decorations and the set ups.

On my right, there was a medium sized screen, some beautiful lights, and a love seat which had a table in front.

On my left, I saw a beautiful garden of roses. They were all different colors, and there were also rays of light surrounding it in a circle.

In the front were a circular three-layered water fountain and more flowers besieging it. The fountain also had some glow-in-water light, which made the fountain glow. We had to make a turn because the pavement was also circular.

"It's a good thing that I brought a camera with me!" Cheryl squealed, as she took out her brand new black camera.

Praise this stupid girl, like really, Is she planning on stalking my entire date?

Maybe this was her plan.

"You're so pathetic sometimes, Cherry." I rolled my eyes at her.

"I won't cause any trouble, I promise! I just want to capture some clicks. I want to make some memories, you know." She said. She is never going to change, I just know it.

I saw Austin setting up the music. He was wearing a black tuxedo.

Damn, he looked so good.

Surrounding him was a dining table which was all set up and two chairs that were across from each other. There was also a bar, but no bartender.

Above our dining area, there was a white pillar roof with no walls, and it was covered in Christmas lights. There were small bushes, potted plants, and more flowers.

But I must say, Austin sure put a lot of effort into this date.

I used to live with him for a year, which was two years ago. We used to watch movies together, I taught him the subjects he didn't excel at, and we slept on the same bed.

Now, before you think something else, let me tell you that it wasn't like that at all. He never made me feel uncomfortable with him. I liked being in his strong, muscular arms. I even had a secluded crush on him, but eventually, that withered away when I knew that I would not get a chance with him.

He was a player.

So what I did was that I started making more guy friends, and then I started catching feelings for this one guy named Steven. I thought he was a good guy, but all he wanted from me was just one thing. It's what all guys want.

I wasn't ready for that because before I dated him, I was dating his best friend, Tom. I can't even bear to talk about him anymore. He caused the distant relationship between my mom and me, plus the fights between mom and dad.

I should have listened to mom that time because she knew that Tom was an asshole, and she wanted to look out for me. I was too oblivious and abs stubborn, so I didn't listen. I did what I wanted to do.

God, if only I had listened. Tom is one hell of a scoundrel.

Then after Tom came Austin. Austin never wanted me to think that I was alone, he was there for me when I needed him the most. He was my best friend, and he still is.

He'd show his cold, hard, rough, intimidating side to others, but when it comes to me, his eyes, his heart softens and he shows his caring side.

The driver stopped the limousine right in front of a small staircase, which led to the dining area. He opened the doors for Cherry and me.

Austin came towards us. He eventually stopped and his jaw dropped when he saw how stunning I looked.

"Damn. You look gorgeous." He smiles.

"Thanks, you too." I reddened.

He's scrunched up his nose and said, "I look gorgeous?"

"Oh no, I meant good looking," I blush once again.

I'm so stupid. But, can't guys look gorgeous? Chris does the moment I saw him.

Why am I thinking about him though? He's a jackass.

"Anyways, I'm just going to go," Cheryl says.

"Come on princess, I have something to show you." Austin took my hand in his and lead me to where the dining area was.


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