“I don’t care about myself…it’s my sister who needs the help.”


“Lucas…please….there is no shame in admitting you need help too.”


“LOOK.” Lucas raised his voice and immediately regretted it, when he next spoke, the words were spoken with such tiredness they were barely audible.


“I don’t want to talk anymore….let’s just leave it….please.”


“Ok…that’s fine….I’m going to go now…..you have my number if you need me…I will call you tomorrow to see how Amelia is.”


Lucas didn’t look at her but just replied with a thank you before the doctor left, getting into her car and driving away.


Lucas sat on his own for a while longer before summoning up the courage to go and face his sister.


Lucas stopped before entering his flat…he felt sick in the pit of his stomach, he hated himself for walking out on Amelia and he wondered if she would ever forgive him.


Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and called out her name but he was met with just a deafening silence, so he tried again only louder this time but still no answer came.


Making his way to the lounge, there was no sign either of her presence and guessing she had retreated to her bedroom once more he gently knocked on the door to her room calling her name.




“Amelia….please may I come in? I need to talk to you.”

With no answer forthcoming he tried again.



Quietly, he received the reply he was dreading.


“Go away Lucas….I don’t want to talk to you…..leave me alone.” her voice was full of hurt like she had been injured by the one person she thought had cared.


Lucas turned away from her bedroom door and sat back in the lounge where he remained for the rest of the night…alone in the darkness with only his own thoughts to keep him company.


Sometime later he awoke with a start. Sitting forward and breathing heavily, he wondered what had woken him so suddenly. For a few moments he racked his brain thinking one of his many recurring nightmares had returned. It was now the middle of the night and he had fallen asleep in the lounge, his muscles felt stiff from sleeping so awkwardly on the sofa. Then the sound came again and he knew instantly it was his sister crying out.


Getting to his feet and making his way to her bedroom he could hear her pleading and crying not to be hurt. Knocking on the door Lucas called out to her but when she started screaming Lucas opened the door and entered her room, she had always slept with the bedside light on since coming to stay with Lucas so he could see her kicking and punching at a unseen enemy and obviously in the middle of her own terrifying nightmare.


Grabbing her arms, Lucas called out to her.


“Amelia….wake up…Amelia….it’s ok…it’s just a nightmare.”

But his sister was still gripped by the terrible dream and she continued to fight him off.


Still holding her arms Lucas called out louder this time in an attempt to wake her.


“Amelia….please wake up!”

Suddenly his sister opened her eyes and for a brief moment in time it was not her brother’s face she was looking at but the man who had attacked her in Russia. Terrified she screamed out and kicked her brother full in the stomach causing Lucas to let go of hers arms as he fell backwards to the floor.


Crying fearfully, Amelia was now sat upright on her bed desperately trying to put as much space between herself and her unknown attacker as she possibly could.


When Lucas finally got to his feet and with his sister now screaming again he quickly realised she was still in the dark depths of her nightmare, grabbing her arms once more to stop her punching out at him, he shouted her name.



Suddenly she stopped fighting him, realising it was her brother.


“Lucas….oh Lucas.” she could barely say his name as she was now crying uncontrollably.


“It’s ok…..It’s alright…..it was just a bad dream.”sitting on the bed, he took her in his arms and hugged her tightly, trying to reassure her that she was safe.


Calming slightly but still sobbing, she began to talk.


 “Lucas….I’m …so ….sorry.”

“Shh….you have no reason to be sorry….it’s me who should be apologizing to you…..I should of never walked out on you earlier….forgive me.”

“It’s ok Lucas….there is nothing to forgive.” with her sobs almost gone she now hugged him back, revelling in the feeling of being safe in his arms…her brother was not lost to her anymore and now she knew with him by her side she could face the tough times ahead.

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