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"Good afternoon, Alex," Alice said as she walked into the breakroom. Alex nodded in response as he continued to grab the rest of his stuff. It was finally 3:30 and he was now able to leave work and go home.

"How was your day?" Alice asked as she grabbed her stuff.

Alex shrugged. "Same as every other day."

Alice smiled, happy that Alex had finally spoken to her. "Do you want to go downtown to the cafe and grab a bite?" She asked.

Alex sighed as he looked up to face the redhead. She was extremely pretty and very nice. However, to go out and do what she was asking would go against all of his personal rules. "I can't today, have a lot of stuff to get done at home," Alex replied with an apologetic smile.Before anything else could be said between the two, Alex grabbed his stuff then left the room. 

Once he was out of the store, Alex pulled up his hood and put in his earbuds. With Confidence played through his headphones as he walked through New York City. Even though it was near freezing outside, people bustled around him. Nothing could stop the constant moving of the city. 

"Good afternoon," one of Alex's neighbors said to him as they passed each other in front of their apartment building. Alex nodded at him but didn't say anything in return. Quickly, he made his way to the elevator and jumped in then pushed his floor number. It wasn't until the doors had closed that Alex realized that he wasn't alone in the elevator. Behind him stood a tall blonde man with striking green eyes.

"Hi," The main said with a smile. "I'm William," he said as he stuck out his hand. Cautiously, Alex reached out and shook William's hand.

"I think I just moved in across the hall from you. Are you the guy that lives in apartment C23? I knocked on your door earlier, but your neighbors said you usually don't get home till around four," Will said. Alex nodded, unsure of what to think of Wills' openness.

"That's great! I'm in apartment C24," Will said then paused as the elevator doors opened. "I guess I should probably go now. I still have a lot of unpacking to do. I'll see you around. Goodbye!" Will said with a huge smile then turned around and walked down the hall and into apartment C24.

Showing True ColorsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora