Chocolate Trouble

Start from the beginning

"Next, melt the chocolate chips in the microwave for about 20 seconds, until they have a smooth consistency..." she looked around the kitchen. Usui didn't seem to have a microwave... She heard the running water turn off in the bathroom. Uh-oh. He got dressed pretty fast (not that she'd know or anything...) so she had to hurry.

She threw the chocolate chips into a pan and began to heat them up on the stove. Soon after, she heard the sound of a door opening. Misaki began to panic, and left the stove to go distract Usui. She ran over to the bathroom door and practically threw herself at Usui. He froze in surprise. Eventually, he got out of his shocked state and chuckled.

"How bold, Misaki. I could get used to an after-shower greeting like this," he teased, watching her face heat up.

"Don't say things like that..." she mumbled into his chest, obviously embarrassed. He patted her head, before prying her off of him.

"Come on. I'm sure you're hungry, I'll make you something," he offered, leading her toward the kitchen. She froze. She forgot about the chocolate. It's been WAY more than 20 seconds. Well, a little extra heat couldn't hurt it, right?

She panicked again, grabbing Usui's arm. She needed the chocolate to be a surprise! He turned to face her. "Someone's being needy today," he said. "Not that I dislike it." he added.

She blushed. He kissed her on the head before making his way to the kitchen again. She freaked out, and said the first thing that came to her mind.

"USUI, I LOVE YOU!" she screamed. He turned around to face his girlfriend, obviously shocked at her bold confession. He walked over to her, and lifted her chin up. She blushed a dark shade of red, before trying to turn her head away, but he wouldn't allow her to.

"What did you want me to do after you announce something like that?" he asked her, leaning in closer to her face. He was about to capture her lips in his own, when a loud noise caused the two to jump.

"BEEEEP! BEEEEP!" a loud machine-like sound alarmed, before an even louder bell sound went off.

Misaki and Usui just stood there, fingers plugged in ears. Usui shot Misaki an accusatory glance, while she gave him a sheepish smile. The two ran to the kitchen, and in front of him was the beautiful sight of a hole burned through his pan, and a bunch of smoke flooding the kitchen. The scent wasn't very welcoming either. Usui unplugged one of his ears to grab Misaki's hand, and they evacuated the building, just as many other units started doing.

They ran out the emergency exit, dashed down the stairs, and went to the front of the building. The sound wasn't so bad outside the building, so the couple took their fingers out of their ears. Misaki stayed silent, head hung low. She knew she would have to answer to him soon.

He stayed silent as well, looking away from Misaki, admiring the bark on a tree. A sea of people were also in front of the building, chatting to each other loudly. Some of them seemed angry, others didn't care. Stealing a glance at Misaki, he decided to stay silent a while longer.

Misaki decided to speak up. The silence was slowly killing her, for she couldn't tell what Usui was feeling or thinking.

"I-I'm sorry..." she said, just above a whisper, but loud enough for him to hear. He didn't respond, but instead pretended he didn't hear her speak, when she very well knew he did. Tears began to well up in her eyes and threatened to spill. She felt so stupid. He would have to spend Valentine's Day with a messed up kitchen (yes, it was burned pretty bad) and she didn't even have the damned chocolate to give him. Misaki refused to cry. She made him upset, she shouldn't feel sorry for herself. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hold the tears back.

She quickly wiped away the tears with the sleeves of her sweatshirt before Usui could notice. She hiccuped quietly, causing Usui to look at her, concerned. She heard him sigh, and she felt her heart drop. He really was mad at her. She was about to leave, but a pair of warm arms stopped her. Usui pulled her into a hug, letting her bury her face into his chest.

"Shhh... Don't cry, Misaki," he soothed, running one of his hands through her raven locks. She began to calm down, focusing on her breaths to stop her heart from bursting out of her chest. Eventually, they were allowed back into the building, and they went up to Usui's apartment in silence. When they walked into the door, the two seated themselves on his couch.

"I'm sorry," Usui said. Misaki snapped her head up. Amber eyes met emerald ones. She stared at him in shock. He was sorry? She was the one who almost burned his home down, and HE was sorry?

"Wha-" she started, but he cut her off.

"I didn't even listen to your reasoning and I got mad at you," he continued. "I never want to see you cry again." he said. "It breaks my heart." She was still staring into his eyes, and she saw how genuine his feelings were.

"It's okay..." she mumbled, still feeling like she didn't deserve an apology. Now was a better time than ever to explain what she was doing. She took a shaky breath in, before explaining. "You see, I forgot about Valentine's Day, and Sakura reminded me, so I decided to make some chocolate truffles for you..." she started, "the recipe seemed really simple and all, bur you didn't have a microwave and so I put the chocolate on a pan and I needed it to be a surprise and..." she began to trail off, until she spoke up and said, "I-I hope you can forgive me..." she practically pleaded, feeling a bit timid.

Usui smiled at her. "Misaki, you just being with me would've been enough for my Valentine's Day," he replied, with that handsome grin of his that made her heart throb. Deciding to forget about the matter for a moment, he added, "You know, we didn't quite finish what we were doing earlier..." he said with a suggesting wink. She blushed and stuttered a bunch of gibberish as he swept her off her feet and carried her to his room.

He was craving something for Valentine's Day, and it wasn't chocolate...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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