chapter two

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friends by proxy

Iwaizumi slowed to a stop as he neared the girl with her head in her hands, forehead pressed to the cold wall. Her shoulders were slumped and she sighed angrily before turning and sinking to the ground before facing the warm orange sky. Not facing the boy once,
"If you're here to interrogate me you can leave now," she huffed, fed up of hearing time and time again , 'How can you not like Oikawa? He's so attractive!' or 'What are you talking about? He's a nice guy!' . Iwaizumi just sat down beside her quietly, looking at the sky, too.
"Of course not, do you think I'd pass up a chance to get away from the boy?" At this, (Y/N) laughed slightly, picking up on his sarcasm easily.
"Really? I thought you two were attached at the hip," she joked, though it was slightly true. Iwaizumi scoffed aloud before adding curtly.
"Good." She nodded, finally glancing at the boy beside her. They had seen each other across classrooms or passing in hallways and secretly admired one another but neither of them thought they would get on well.
"Any enemy of my enemy is a friend of mine."
"I guess that makes us friends by proxy."
"Big words for a volleyball stud."
"Ha," Iwaizumi laughed humourlessly, "You're thinking of Oikawa there. Girls have to like you for you to be a stud."
His statement seems somewhat sad to
(Y/N) but she just responds with,
"I know one that does."
Before walking away and leaving him with his jaw touching the floor.

a/n i feel this story will be fast paced, it already is but I'll try to make it last

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