18: Aries Season pt II

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Leah looks in his direction. "What do you think of Zak and Aaron?"

"They're boring," Danny says, never looking away from the tv. It was an answer she expected from Danny. Honestly, she would've been surprised if he said something nice about them!

"Why do you think they are boring?"

"They don't do anything fun, like play video games!"

"I mean, Aaron is a huge geek, he loves Star Wars and he does play video games too, maybe if you invite them to play a game they would love to play a game with you"

"Whatever" Danny ignored her, his game ended shortly after and they were ready to go to the farm and care for the animals before the party started. As they walk down the stairs Leah is met back up with an anxious Chloe with her cat Phil in her arms.

"Leah!" Chloe shouts as if she's been waiting to talk to her for hours, which she has, "I'm so sorry for what I did this morning!"

Leah sighs, "It's whatever kid, I was going to have to face it at some time"

"I forgot about all of it until you ran off and I felt terrible!"

"I said it's fine, relax, just help us take care of the farm animals."

"What is she talking about?" Danny asks as they exit the front door.

Leah shakes her head "Nothing, hun"

Chloe stood there watching her big sister and little brother walk away, was Leah still mad? It was the tone she used that left Chloe confused. She anxiously stroked her gray and white mixed cat down his back for comfort. Aaron walked by, "what are you thinking Munchkin?"

"She's mad at me," Chloe says, staring in the direction where Leah and Danny walked. "I just apologized and she's still mad!"

"I don't think she's mad, she said it was okay."

"But it was her tone!"

"I don't know, kid, maybe ask Zak how she's feeling?"

"Ask me what?" Zak overhears his name as he is walking down the stairs from leaving his present in Jen's room.

Chloe turns in his direction "Is Leah still mad?" she asks anxiously, still stroking her cat's fur.

Zak hummed, "She was angry at first but I think she calmed about it now, don't worry about it. Just come help us with the animals please." he answers her nicely, and walks past them to the front door, his answer eased some of Chloe's nerves. She never wants her big sister to be mad at her; nobody wants Leah to be mad at them!

For the next thirty minutes, the Blade kids and their guests took care of their animals, fed them, cleaned their cages and little houses, and in the chicken coop, Danny collected all the eggs. With all five of them working around the farm it got the job done quickly, and as they did that, Jen and Sammy prepared for the party.

When they finished taking care of the animals they walked back inside to change and freshen up, the kitchen table had a black tablecloth covering the top. Paper plates, cups, plastic utensils, and napkins were ready on the table, with bottles of drinks, teas, lemonades in glasses were ready too. Then on the floor is a cooler with a bit of ice inside. On the table is the bowl with salad inside and there are a few different bowls of different kinds of chips. And Sammy is still grilling outside. And at the end of the table, are wrapped presents, five of them Zak recognized as his gifts to Leah. He noticed the sizes of the book, and the four Funkos individually wrapped.

For the next hour, the Blade kids and their guests have been in and out of their rooms changing and freshening up in their bathrooms to get the barn animal stench off of them and to wear clean clothes.

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