War #1!

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Hey guys! It's Zoe again, I just wanted to relay the message for formal reasons that we are officially at war with The Village Shinringakure and are in a alliance with TheDragonVillage ! We will be posting OneShots in a book Titled 'War Book 1', as will the other two villages. Whoever gets the most views and votes will win the contes- *Ehem* War. I mean war.

The OneShots will all be themed Naruto, and all genre's are allowed. (Except Lemons. Ain't nobody got time for that. '-.-) We will not be publishing anything until December the 25th, and the conte- WAR. The WAR will end on January 25. During that timespan we will have a month to publish and polish our writings posted in the book. Make sure to STAR and VIEW our book. We're counting on you guys to help us in our success. ;3

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