Chapter 1

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My name is Nicole. I'm a senior in high school now. School has only been in for a few months and I have already claimed this year as the worst year in high school.

I have gone to school with the same people since elementary school. Except this year there is this new kid he came about a week ago and I am pretty sure his name is Sam. I have a few classes with him and I have heard he is from Kansas.

( a week later)
He seemed pretty sad today and I wonder why. So being the stupid person I am I walked up to him and said " Hi I'm Nicole. I saw you and I thought you could use a friend." He seemed taken back but he responded " I'm Sam. I am ok but I just miss my friends in Kansas." I had to respond back with "Well now you have a new friend, so you hopefully you won't be sad anymore."

(2 weeks later)
Sam and I have been really close friends now and he takes me to school every morning instead of me riding the bus. When he picked me up this morning he had someone with him and he was laughing his ass off with him when I got in the car. When I sat down and put my seatbelt on he didn't say anything to me until I said something to him. Then he introduced me to his friend in the car because I clearly didn't know who or where he came from. Sam finally said to me "This is Colby. He is my best friend from Kansas." When I turned around to see Colby, I stopped because he was just Wow. He had dark brown hair and the eyes that would pierce through your soul. He smiled at me and I thought I was going to die. After I caught myself just staring at him, I waved and said " I am Nicole, Sams girl best friend." Colby quickly said to Sam " I didn't know you were trying to replace me." He said it in a joking way though and all Sam did was laugh. I said to myself this year might not be so bad.

~Colby's POV
When Sam was taking me to school he told me that we had to stop. I said " Why?" He said back "Because I have to pick up someone." "Who??" I asked back. "Nicole. She is one of my new friend's." All I did was wonder, I didn't know what she looked like or if she was a good friend to Sam.

When we stopped I looked up and saw a house and a girl walking out of it. Then across the street I saw a woman being chased by a dog and pointed it out Sam. We were laughing our asses off, then I heard the door shut and a sweet, soft voice say " Hey." to Sam. He stopped laughing and turned around to introduce us to each other. He said to her "This is Colby, my best friend from Kansas." As soon as he said that she turned around and said "Hi I'm Nicole, Sams girl best friend." I couldn't say anything because I was taken back by her beautiful green and gold eyes looking at me and her long bright blonde hair. She was honestly the most gorgeous person I had ever seen.

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