Three Things

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After Finn and Millie finished they decided to take a walk and look around the mall, greeted by some fans time and time again but only this time Finn notices that Millie is starting to get uncomfortable even though she doesn't shows it.

Finn grabbed Millie's hand without saying and said goodbyes to their fans. Finn just lead the way without a certain place to go to and when they stopped they were in front of the theaters.

Finn looked at Millie with concern and asked, "you alright?". Still holding her hand.

"Yeah thanks" Millie said looking at Finn with a smile.

Finn smiled back at her and looked down noticing that their hands are still holding. Thinking that it'll make Millie uncomfortable, Finn lets go of her hand and looked around to avoid eye contact.

Finn noticing they're in the theaters he decided to ask Millie if she wanted to watch a movie.

"Hey Millie, do want you want to watch a movie or something?" Finn asked pointing to the theaters with his other hand.

Millie looked at where Finn was pointing and when she saw what it is she smiled and said, "sure!". And she walked towards the theaters to see what movies are available.

Finn followed Millie and looked at the available movies also. After deciding what to watch, they decided to watch 'The Trolls' and get their tickets then went inside.

It was pretty dark so it was a little hard to see where they're were walking but luckily they reached the stairs because the sits below are full.

Finn was walking carefully when he saw Millie almost tripping, he holds her hand to assist her earning a 'thank you' from Millie. They reached their sits and waited till the movie starts.

Finn was just starting to relax when he felt his phone vibrate.

Checking his phone, he saw a messaged from Nick saying "pick you up at six". He puts his phone back to his pocket and started to relax once again closing his eyes.

Finn doesn't know that Millie was staring at him smiling due to the fact that their hands are still holding.


They finished the movie and decided to go to shops to look around and in this case for Finn, to find a present for Millie.

They were at Forever 21 and Finn was looking around when he saw Millie walking towards him holding a red jacket a little big for her.

Finn asked, "Who you getting that for? Noah?".

Millie shooks her head, "No, actually its for you since I didn't get you a present for your birthday. Is this okay?" Millie asked lifting the jacket.

"Yeah of course though you didn't have to get me this, you being at the party is enough" Finn said blushing.

Millie smiled and head to the cashier to purchase the jacket while Finn waits for her.

"Belated happy birthday Finn" Millie said handing Finn the jacket.


"Don't thank me yet Finn, I still have two things left to do for the three things I planned for you and first if those is buy you a gift" Millie said starting to walk away from the store.

Finn curious about the other two, followed Millie and asked,

"What's the other two?"

Millie stopped walking and said, "the third ones a secret and the second one is..." Millie paused for minute then continued, "well any favor you want".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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