"What's Alfea" Raph asked.

"It's a school for fairies" I said.

His eyes went big. Xever nodded. We stopped when we saw a wall. I blasted it with a fireball and it broke. We walked in and the rest looks at us. We stopped. 


 It's been a few months now. We looked at the wasp. I flu at us and we ran. We hided. Raph looks at me and glazed at me with hearts. I am beside of him. 

"We need a plan" Leo said.

"Mikey go out there" I said.

Leo grins at Mikey evilly. We laughed. Mikey yelled me. We nodded. He groaned and walked. It looks at him and flu to him. He yelled and ran. It flu around after him. We grin and ran. 


Leo attacks Harley while Raph attacks me. Donnie yelled. Raph bits my neck and I groaned. 

"Raph bit Flame" Mikey yelled in panic.

Donnie looks scared. I felt the poison in me and it is trying to fight my magic blood but it can't. Raph stops and looks at me. I feel dizzy. I tried to get up but can't. Raph looks at Donnie and attacks him. He yelled and ran out with Mikey and Ivy. Raph growls a bit. Leo grins and bits Ivy's neck. She groaned and shook. Leo looks at her and gets off of her. He picks her up and Raph walks.

"Flame" He said picking me up.

Leo grins. They walked out and walked. I felt my blood burning. Ivy's eyes then turns black. Leo grins at her eyes. 

"I think Flame is fighting it" Raph said.

I groaned a bit. I then felt the burning stop. 

"Uh..." Raph said glaring.

My mark disappears. 


It's been a month now. 

"Why can't we come" I asked mad.

Raph glared at me.

"Because we said so" He said.

I frowned.

"We just want to keep you girls safe" Donnie said.

I glared at him so did Ivy.

"I am sorry have you fight an army before" I asked.

Leo froze at that.

"Uh...she has a point" Mikey said.

"No, we haven't" Raph said glaring at me.

"Well, we have" I said.

Their eyes went big.

"At Alfea School for Fairies" Ivy said.

Raph frowned. 

"Who made the army" Leo asked.

"Three evil witches called the Trix" I said.

Their eyes went big when I said witches.

"Still a no" Leo said.

I glared.

"Why" I snapped.

They groaned at me mad. Raph glared more at me.

"We could tie them up" Mikey said.

They looked at each other with big eyes. 

"Uh..." Ivy said.

Flame Fairy of Ultimate Fire,Love Daughter of North,Adopted Daughter of ShredderWhere stories live. Discover now