Rose grabs Damon pushing him against the car, twisting his arm behind his back "I'm older than you and stronger. Don't get on my bad side." 

Gwen rolls her eyes at their tiny fight "Alright now that you both have established your egos can we get back to why we came here, please." 

Rose release Damon "You both can trust me." 

With that Rose leads them into a coffee shop. Sun shining in through large windows. Not seeing any tint Gwen asks  "Ummm what about the sun and burning?" 

Rose keeps her gaze ahead while replying "made special uv rays can't penetrate. See the appeal now?" 

"Or maybe the possibility of free WiFi is what really entices vampires."

Her sarcastic comment earns a laugh from an average man with brown hair, blue eyes, and some slight facial hair.

"Oh I like her." He remarks. 

Who is he?

Rose answers Gwen's mental question "Hello Slater." 

After a quick introduction they sit down at some table.

Rose immediately jumps into it "If someone wanted to get in touch with Klaus, how would you hook them up?" 

Slater replies in one word "Craigslist." 

Gwen scoffs "seriously."

"Yes, I respond to a personal ad to get sent to somebody who knows somebody who knows Elijah, who's dead and that's where my connection ends." 

"Here is where things get fuzzy for me," Damon's eyes stay on Slater "Elijah moved around during the day, which means the originals knew the secret of the day ring. Now, why would Klaus want to lift the curse of the sun and the moon?" 

"To keep the werewolves from lifting it," Slater answers as if they all should know this "If a vampire breaks the sun curse then the werewolves are stuck with the curse of the moon forever and vice versa." 

Rose looks unconvinced "But werewolves are extinct." 

"Not anymore,"  Gwen informs her. 

"Mystic Falls?" I nod at Slater, "God, I've got to visit this place. It sounds awesome." 

Damon gets them  back on track asking "Can we stop the curse from being broken at all?" He might be on to something "For example making the moonstone useless, would it stop the curse from being broken?" 

"Possibly." Slater grins "But why would I want to go help you and anger an original?" 

"I can help you walk in day light," Damon offers. 

Before Gwen can get her wonderful threat out the windows break. They fall to the ground as shards of glass rains over them. Gwen shields herself with her hands. Pain flaring across her hands.

As fast as it happened the glass stops falling. That's when she realizes the cries of pain are from Slater and Rose. Vapor is raising off their burning skin. 

"Damon the sun it's burning them," Gwen shouts to Damon.

Who is standing looking out the broken windows, Slater quickly bails. Taking his jacket off Damon puts it over Rose's face.

Together Gwen and him push through other fleeing costumers to the car. He puts Rose in the back seat checking her face.

"Do you think it was Slater?" Gwen asks despite doubt nagging at her mind. 

"No it was Klaus, don't you understand?" Her voice cracks and tears fall "You don't know this man, we're dead, we're all dead," Crying Rose buries her now healed face in Damon's chest. 

Tragic Souls(Damon Salvatore) Where stories live. Discover now