Four: The House and Poker.

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I really like this picture of sleeping Davi under sands. I don't know how his house looks like so pardon me if I have anything wrong.Hope you like this chapter :).


We went inside his house . It's a beautiful place with pool and a basement to park his car. "Mr. Neymar , what a beautiful home you have , sir" I said in awe. Suddenly there's a white fluffy thing crashed into me and lick my face. "Poker. Here boy" Davi said giggling. I laughed and realize . It's Poker the dog. "Hello there , Poker" I said patting his head. Neymar came inside holding Davi's backpack that got good dinosaur pictures on them he smiled and say " So you have meet Poker, you know him , sí?" I smiled and say "Yes , I followed him on Instagram." Poker and Davi ran together to the backyard and play together, a small smile played on Ney's lips. He's a good single dad as Carolina is a good single mother I said internally. " So, would you like to see your new room?" He said walking up the stairs. "Sure" I said taking my bag with me as we walk upstairs.


The room is pretty with simple white wall and a queen sized bed that has black sheet covering it. The bedside table was pretty black wood with gold detailing like every other wood detailing in this room. The red oak floor was covered in black carpet. Also there's an walk-in-closet and en suite bathroom.
" It's so beautiful" I whispered. "I know. Make yourself at home okay" he said smiling as he walk out the room. "Gracias!" I said as I put my clothes that I have on the walk-in-closet. I went to the bathroom and saw there's a bath tub and a shower, a pretty sink too. I took a quick shower and put on my sport bra, cover it with my black tank and a grey sweatpants. I walk downstairs and looking at a mud covered Davi walk in from the back yard door. "Ay Dios Mío , Davi !" I said as he giggles looking at me. "Let's get you cleaned shall we" I said picking him up and took him to my bathroom because I don't know where's his room yet.


He created a mess on my bathroom but that's okay, I can clean it later. He currently using my hoodie and shorts watching tv. "Davi , stay here okay I'm going to clean the bathroom." I said as I tie my hair and took a towel to dry everything . He just nods and continue watching the tv.
As I finishing my cleaning, there's a knock on the door. I put the towel on my shoulder and opened it to saw Neymar looking confused. " Have you seen Davi anywhere?" He said . Davi heard his name being called and climb down the bed to his father. "Papai!" He giggles and Neymar . "He's covered with dirt so I bathed him." I said sheepishly smiling. "Gracias Clarisse. Now let's have dinner shall we?" Neymar said picking Davi up. " I'll be down in a second" I said putting the towel down in the hamper and followed them downstairs. As I reach the kitchen, I saw Neymar and Davi is eating pizza take outs. I took the mushroom one and ate it. "I can't cook I hope you like pizza" Neymar said smiling. "It's okay , I adored pizza" I said grinning widely finishing my first slice.
We finished eating two box of pizza. We're currently sitting down in the living room watching Arrow together. Gosh Oliver Queen is bae. Neymar is spooning with Davi on the couch while I'm currently laying down the floor cuddling with Poker. Everything is going well until Davi fell asleep. Neymar pick him bridal style and carry him to his room tucking him in . He kiss Davi's forehead and walk out the room closing the door behind him silently. "Clary , I'm going out. You can do anything you want. Mi casa es tu casa. As long you don't wake Davi up okay. Adios" he said to me and pick his car key on his way out. "Si, adios" I said opening the fridge and took out a tub of chocolate mint ice cream. I walk to the living room and turn on the television, cuddling with Poker we watch some Disney movie, I have insomia anyway.
It's 2.30 am and Neymar hasn't come back home. But I shouldn't be worried, he's a grown man. He can take of himself. With that thought I drag myself to my new bedroom with en suite . I washed my face and brush my teeth, I do some jumping jack before got inside the covers like I always do. Just as I drift to sleep, there's a knock on my door and Davi's voice resonate in to the room . "Clarisse? Are you there? Can I come in?" Worried, I ran to the door and open it amazed how I didn't get a whiplash. I saw a crying Davi and he's hugging my leg. "What happen? I said to him squatting down to level his eye wiping his tears. "Bad dreams . Afraid." He said hugging me. I pick him up and bring him to my bed. "Would you like some Oreo?" I said opening my backpack and took one out. "Sí , Gracie." He said took the Oreo and eat them . "Lo siento, Clarisse I didn't mean to wake you up." He said after awhile. "That's okay Dav . Are you sleepy? If you're let's rinse your mouth and go to bed shall we?" I said picking him up and rinse his mouth. After that I put him on the bed and lay next to him. "Buenos noche Risa." He said somehow comfortable cuddling to my torso and create a nick name. "Buenos noche, cariño." I said pulling the cover over him. I turn off the light and put on the night lamp so Davi won't be scared if he woke up in the middle of the night. I cuddle him and he snug closer to me . We went to sleep in a second after that . Not that I even notice Poker that somehow open the door and sleep on the bottom of the bed .

Tips of the update( ToTU)
To reduce cellulite you can try to do leg workouts and drink hella tons of water.

Adopted(a neymarjr fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt