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                 Luke's POV

Monday morning; all of us hurrying to get ready and go to school. All of us sat at the table, eating the food Bertram made for us, Ravi being the most awake out all of us, of course. Emma was texting her friends, and Zuri had her pony in her lap as ate pancakes that were drowned in syrup.

"What are you so busy with, Emma?" Jessie asked, wondering why she hadn't touched her food.

"Rumor has it that we're getting new classes. The school is changing our schedules, so I'm just making sure mine is with friends and cute boys."

I frowned, shrugging it off, "Whatever. Anywhere I'm placed, I'll still be popular."

Soon enough, we all finished, and were rushed out to school, where the halls were crowded by busy students, all talking amongst themselves before the bell would ring. Ravi and I weaved our way past the bodies and headed to our lockers, his being near mine due to his last name being the same. He was going on about some chemistry theory he had in his head, while I simply stayed in my own, which was normally what I did when he started talking with big words that Im pretty sure don't even actually exist.

Finally, the bell rang and we were shown to our new classes. My first period was English; one of the many pointless classes. We speak English, duh! I took a seat in the back, since I could easily get a nap without being noticed. I noticed some of my friends walking in and taking the surrounding seats, and then someone I had never seen before.

               Anushka's POV

I had been going to the same school since sixth grade, and suddenly, they want to switch up the classes. Right in the middle of the year? Whatever, schools have their stupid logic about everything. I was given a new schedule at the front office, so I followed the room number to my new first period; English. That was a relief, I like English, so it would be good to start a long day on a good, east note. I took a deep breath just outside the door of the classroom before stepping in and instantly taking in my surroundings. There were a few seats still available, and I suddenly felt that all eyes were directly on me, which caused me to feel heat build from my stomach and spread to my cheeks and head.

I quickly took the first seat I saw, without even bothering to see who sat anywhere around me. As I sat down, I breathed out, my nerves calming down slowly, and the heat fading away. My hair felt like it was sticking to my neck, as if I was working up a sweat, so I traced my fingers to the nape of my neck and pushed the hair out of the way. It must have affected the person sitting behind me, because I heard a spitting noise. Oops.

"Hey, keep your hair in your own bubble, kay?" The voice said. It was clearly a boy, and he seemed rather agitated about it. I chewed my lip and turned around to face him, to be met with a freckles face, brown eyes staring right at me. It was almost like as soon as I turned around to look at him, his expression softened. His eyebrows raised and he swallowed thickly, reaching his hand out towards me.

   "Sorry about that, it won't happen again." I said quickly, just as he was about to say something, turning around as soon as my sentence was done.

"No, no, it's okay. Sorry about sounding mean. Hey-" his voice was then cut off by the teacher starting class. Today was going to be long, and confusing. But I had to admit— I picked a good seat.

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