Brandon: You okay, Stella?

Me: *nodded*, yeah! I'm just wondering where the girls are.........

Brandon: can't you remember anything about them leaving or something?

I stop for a second and think.... I can't remember anything about THEM leaving! like if they are going to the mall, why didn't they wake me up, All I can remember  is


Me: Look guys, don't do something crazy about Bloom, Maybe living in a world full of DRAGONS to be exact! she just have to practice herself from what happen in the past.

Musa: Stella!! can't you see! BLOOM IS NOT TELLING US SOMETHING!

Bloom: uuhhhhhmmmm? guys, I kinda heard your voices from the hall, is there something wrong?

Stella: No Bloom, we're just talking about how we missed you hehehe

Bloom: Oh! okay, I'll just leave you guys here, I'm MEGA tired from that training with Miss. Grizelda, I'm gonna go to Bed. See you guys in the Morning, Good Night!

after that, Bloom went out from my Room, and the other winx followed her SECRETLY by eyeing her form the door.


Me: I don't remember anything talking about 'Leaving for the day'.

Hmmmmm........... Where are you Bloom?, I hope your Okay.


His' P.O.V

*smirk* Well, I guess someone is worried for Her. PERFECT, EVERYTHING'S going as PLANNED, HAHAHAHA

???: Master, SHE'S calling from the crystal ball.

I went to my office, and found the crystal ball, glowing.

Me: Hi Dear!

Her: Master. *smirk* Everything's going as planned.

Me: Yes, just patience Dear, after this, we can take over ALFEA!

Both of us: Hahahahahaha!

???: Yoohoo, Hello?! Where are you?!

Her: Master, I have to go.

After that she dropped the call. Patience after this it will be all worth it.


Bloom's P.O.V

Me: Guys? what we doing here?

We're at  the ' Shadow Phoenix ' underground castle.

Me: Guys, tell me why are we here?!

Aisha: Relax Bloom. We're just going to take something from here!

I just agreed even, I don't know why!


Musa's P.O.V

I'm sorry, Bloom but this is for you we're just doing this for your safety. That's all we wanted for you, you just have to trust us in this one, maybe you can't tell us what's the problem, but we are your best friends, We are the Winx!

Bloom: Guys where are we really going?!

Flora: Bloom, Sweety just follow us, you're in good hands.

Bloom: What do you mean by that!?


Stella's P.O.V

Me: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

???: Stella!! Are you okay?!

I turned my head and saw Brandon in front of my door........ Relax Stella it's just a nightmare and it will never be true. That scared me to Death!!! But what if, it did happen?!, oh come on Stella it's obvious that it's just a scary nightmare, Bloom's Safe, I know she's safe, or Maybe not?!


Miss Faragonda's P.O.V

I maybe wrong, but I can sense that one of my students will be facing a dangerous Challenge, but the question is, Who?!

Miss. Grizelda: Miss. Faragonda, you called me here.

Me: Grizelda, I need your help.

Miss. G: What kind of help Miss. Faragonda?

Me: Well, I know that one of my students will be facing a dangerous Challenge, and I don't know who is she/he. I have to warn him/her or she will be in great Danger!

Miss. G: But, Miss. Faragonda, we don't know who is in danger, we can't look at the future, that easily.

Me: Well, we have to think fast, we should have a plan how to know who is this person, that will be in Great Danger.

I hope it will be easy to find you, I know from the bottom of my heart. Once you have fallen to the wrong hands, I know this will be a Dangerous Challenge, and this can be a reason for Alfea to fall to the wrong hands.


Hey Guys! Hoooo! My Ghad, this chapter is very longggggg!! Hahaha peace ✌. Anyways Thank you, Guys from the beginning until now. Thank You all for being there, supporting this story, even though I update very often, your still there waiting and giving me Wonderful Feedback's.

To my Followers,
Thank you for reading this story. I hope there could be a book 2! Just comment if you guys want a book 2 or not I will understand, again thank you for reading this story.

•P.S guys read everything from top to bottom, thanks!

L E E  

And also guys this is just a



Hope you like it!




Winx Club: Bloom And SkyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora