Chapter 6

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"Good so far how about you," I responded to his question.

He itches the back of his neck

"Good," He said.

I gave him a small closed eyed smile. He blushed a little and turned his head away trying to hide it. I give out a small giggle at his reactions.

He turns to look at me not caring about his blush any more and asks, "What? What's so funny?"

I throw my head back and give out a loud laugh. People around us turn to us wondering what all the commotion is about. I stop laughing and wipe the tears from my eyes. A smile still on my face.

"What you ask. Well the fact that you're blushing like a idiot that's the first reason," I say still giggling.

His blush reddens more and goes all the way up to his ears now.

"You know there is something I would like to tell you...," I say and a tint of blush covers my cheeks.

We turn into an alley and I push him against a wall. 'What am I doing?' I ask myself.

I look up into his eyes. Lust took over and I crashed my lips into his. His eyes widen, but soon he's kissing back. He stops and ends up pushing me against the wall.

He crashed our lips together again. The kiss was rough and heated. I wrap my arms around his neck. His hands rub up and down my sides. Our bodies moving in perfect sync.

He licks my bottom lip for entrance. Which I gladly allow. I part my lips for his tongue to enter. He explores his new territory. He parts from the kiss. We stay in that position panting catching our breaths.

He moves off of me and runs a hand through his hair.

"We have a mission to complete," He says.

I nod my head in agreement. Before we go we straighten up our clothes then walk off from the alley both of us blushing from what just happened.  

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