That day

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Luna's POV
Hi, my name is Luna. I live with my older sibling Terra and my younger sibling Luke. My hair is long, wavy hair that's dark brown with streaks of gold and I have silver eyes. My sister had long brown straight hair with blue eyes, and my brother, just imagine the guy of your dreams and thats my brother. I also live with my english setter, Shasta. Shasta is a beautiful dog  I have lived on a farm in a small cottage our parents built in case something happend  for well let's see 5,7,10,16,18, yea 18 years. You may be guessing why im not crying, well here's another fun fact about me, im not the emotional one, you may be surprised but my brother Luke is. 18 years ago my parents died and when Terra, Me, Shasta, and Luke were left on our own except beds, memories, food, a little bit if cooking and cleaning supplies and each other. So let me take you back to that day when everything disapeared and me and Shasta went off for 9 weeks to find everything we had.

12 weeks ago
Luna's POV
I woke up and shasta was licking my face. Terra and Luke were still asleep so I had some time to go out with Shasta and harvest the Carrots, Strawberries, most of the spices, (we put in a kitchen supprisingly it actually works), the potatoes, and Corn as well as kill our dinner, (which is actually a pig, we have two separate pens one for pets, one for our dinner, lunch and breakfast). But, when I looked next to the picture of our parents there was a note saying I see you. I looked around and thought to myself That's really creepy.
Anyway when I went outside there was nothing in the animal pen. I thought to myself Ok so, that creepy guys probably is telling the truth .
I jogged over too the animal pen. The air was breezy and my brown hair was flowing in the crisp air. It was so cold I felt that my toes were falling off, even though it was only 5 A.M. I saw another note on the animal pen fence but it was in different writing. It said Meet me at the nearby river. Shasta was at by feet, begging as usual and I heard that Terra was waking up and me and Shasta sprinted off to the river kicking up dirt behind us when Terra just opened the door.

Terra's POV
When I woke up, Luna was not in bed so I assumed that she went out to harvest and kill but no animals were in the pen and there was only Strawberries. I mean we had extra seeds for plants but still no plants. There was human and dog tracks leading to the river. I thought to myself Oh No she and Shasta ran away. I ran back into the house to wake up Luke so then we can go get her and build a shelter. I screamed to Luke
"WAKE UP" then that didn't work so I slapped him, and that didn't work so I went extreme on Luke levels and messed up his hair. When I was done his hair was frizzy and he screamed "HELP ME SOMEONE IS MESSING UP MY HAIR, MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR" After his meltdown a single tear ran down his cheek and I started to say " Cheer up, at least your still handsome, and besides, we have hairbrushes." and I handed him a hairbrush. As that crazy lunatic fixed his hair I said," Hey Mr. Fancypants handsome can you take your focus off of a hairbrush and listen to me" He stopped brushing his hair and looked up at me. I started " So I woke up this morning and Luna and Shasta were gone but I did see some tracks of their feet and paws. Luke began " So we follow there tracks" I nodded my head but then, clouds rolled in and rain started falling and then thunder clashed. Then I said "But not today"

Luna's POV
When Shasta and I reached the river there wasn't very much light. The clouds were gray and there was nothing really to see. Everything fogged out at 20 ft in front if me so Shasta was always by my side. I then heard rushing water. Nobody was calling my name so I built a small cottage so then Shasta and I could sleep. The forest was like a jungle so there were many canopy leaves and redwood trees. It even smelt like the jungle. As I finished the cottage, the sun was going down and the air was starting to get crisp and cold. The sun was going down rain was coming back and then the soil was soggy  ( im describing this the best I can this took place 11 weeks ago). Shasta and I ran inside to fall asleep.

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