"Do not fear my lord, I am not here to harm you" Fright Knight assured while climbing off his horse

"Why are you here?" I asked cautiously looking around for some kind of ambush

"Because it is my duty to protect you, Dan your evil future self tried to convince me to join him in his plans to eliminate you, and he has teamed up with an immortal being."

"Alright, do you know what he is plans are maybe we can stop him now before his plan gets pulled into action." I suggested

Fright Knight shakes his head "No I'm afraid my lord I don't know all his plans, I do know that he has been working with the immortal and making hybrids of monsters and ghosts sending them out to kill young ones"

my eyes widen the monsters that I have been fighting had slight green to them like they had been given ectoplasm, and killing young ones is he referring to other demi-gods

"I have to stop him some how, what about your Soul Shredder, your sword couldn't you use that and stop this" I through out another idea

He shook his head "He has Soul Shredder, I will be trying to get it back, in the mean time you will have to find a way to stop his plan. Oh and my lord I suggest you start heading back its not safe here when its dark" then he leaves through the ground

and I'm alone with my thoughts again, I head back to the camp as he suggested

suddenly I was trapped to the ground by a bright green net

"Haha I have you now halfa!" a familiar voice shouted

I turn my head to see Skulker standing beside me

"Skulker, how did you get here?!" I shouted as I went ghost the to rings of light flashing over me

I burned off the net and flew at Skulker, "I tracked you here of course, I am the greatest hunter in the ghost zone." he boasted

I rolled my eyes and began battling him

Nico's POV

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off with Danny, he has this strange aura of death around him, and I know he isn't a child of hades, I had a talk with father about siblings and he had assured me that he doesn't have any more kids

I had seen him head off into the forest as I went to the infirmary, to check up with Will on Vanessa's condition, see how she and other wounded were holding up

turns out Vanessa had finally woken up, so I had left back outside to the door so Will could do his check up

Once they came out Vanessa couldn't help but excitedly show of her new scar on her eye, Will came up to my side and linked his arm around mine my annoyance but I didn't yank my arm away

We headed off to the bonfire when a bright light suddenly went off in the forest nearby

"You guys saw that too, right?" Vanessa asked Jordan nodded there were a few shouts

we all looked at each other and went running towards the lights and shouting

we slowed to fast walking so we could asses the situation before charging in

there were a few more shouts exchanged when a big blast of blinding blue light goes off

"That sounds like Danny?!" Jordan shouted when unexpectedly a tree collapsed next to us making every one jump back

on top of the fallen tree lay a guy that looked a lot like Danny but he was wearing some jump suit his hair was white and eyes a bright glowing green

The guy that helped out in Amity park

he then got up and flew quickly up to the sky to trading blows with some robot thing

"What is this kid?" Jordan asks horrified

the robot and Danny crash to the ground, Danny was standing over him

they exchange a few words and laugh then Danny helps him stand up they say a few more words then the robot guy flew off going invisible, a ring of light appeared around Danny's waist split into two going, one going up and the other going down

His appearance changed as the rings past over him, reverting into Danny Fenton

Danny turns to leave, upon seeing us he freezes "I can explain" he fearfully defends himself putting his hands up in defense

Vanessa, Jordan and Will hurry up to him but I take my time

Vanessa and Jordan were talking very quickly asking many questions about what just happened and amazed with his powers

Will was pestering him about his injury's and fascinated by the strange coloring of his blood, it was red with small mixes of green, strange

that's when I noticed the godly sign above his head lightly glowing a soft shade of purple in the dark,

I put my hand on Will's shoulder as he looks my way I point upwards, the others noticed and looked up as well including Danny

there above his head glowing in the night, a butterfly with an inverted torch

Danny Phantom the Demi-God ?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن