Hunting the Cursed Wolf

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Silence fell over the world in that late hour. People were sleeping, but it doesn’t mean like all was ended. No. Another life just began. The night-life – no, not the club- life. It was something different. Something bigger.

Silently, owls woke up, badgers groped out from their burrows and hedgehogs went out to find some milk. And that was just a little piece of things that happened.

A little mouse just sneaked out to find some bugs to eat. He looked, found one and just started attacking, if he suddenly heard some weird crackle. Or actually not weird. It was usual crackle – the crackle of grass, that was the sound of death for a little mouse. Cause the fox jumped out and careless about the fear of the little running animal, he ate it without any remorse.

Finished his lunch, he sneaked to find the another one. Found this one, he went closer, if suddenly something stopped him. He clotted like a stone statue. Little mouse he sneaked for, also stopped all its actions, hedgehog stopped its spitting, all forest curdled in its silence. 

Silence of its fear. Fear about her. All who could look to the sky, all them could see the moon. The full moon. They also could see her. Standing there, proudly posing to the moon. And they also could seeher silky crest, absolutely pure fur and prouad pose. They also could hear her dreadful, bloodcurling and at the same time so yearning and beautiful corbel. Corbel that sounded like cry and war-cry at the same time.She corbelled and corbelled, and finnaly ended it with a sad sob. She throw her head down and slowly started walking down from the hill. She was prouad and calm. Calm till she heard somehing very uncomfortable. A lonely shot. And arter then, hundreds and hundreds shots.

„Its there, look! There’s the killer! That monster killed our sheeps! Shoot it!“

After that sentence, the horde of hunters ran and shot. She also ran. Of course – what else she should do?

Elluding from shots, she ran unsightly to somewhere to the forest. That was an usually night of her. Through the years. She closed her eyes, and tought about the time when it wasn’t like that.

Days, when she was like all in her age. All humans.

But now, now I’m not the human.

And she threw a tear.

Suddenly, she felt terrible pain flowing over her body. All went black.




„Mom, mom look!“ little girl ran to a not-very-aged woman, pink princess-dress flying around her lean legs.

„My little princess!“ Woman said and smiled. Little girl felt somebody’s hands over her, and looked up.

„Oh look! I came searching for my queen, but I found also a little princess!“ girl smiled about this compliment. Man spun girl around him, and soon made her giggle.

„Daddy, daddy, put me down!“ Man smiled and did like girl said. Girl gave her hug. They all were happy, if suddenly all went black. There weren’t a wood-house, there weren’t woman, there weren’t little happy girl. There were only a big wolf, eyes full of sadness.

She looked through the man eyes. Yes – the man was the same man, who spun girl. But he wasn’t happy – no, he was full on anger .

Wolf looked through into his eyes. She was confused and sad. Man took his gun, sighted her, his look went even more scary and serious.

„You, you must die!“ he said. Wolf didn’t realize his voice. It was kind of different than before, with the girl. Could appearance really change so much? He pulled trigger, wolf became even more sad. If you could be there, you could read her eyes. Eyes that said „Why?“

She threw a tear and closed her eyes . Again.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2013 ⏰

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