Chapter 5: Getting the Girls

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Rooney ran down the halls of the school, slowing to a walk in front of all of the classroom doors, before starting up in a run again. He was in a hurry to get Sloane in front of the school, so that he wouldn't upset "Mr. Peterson" any more than he already had.


"Here you go," Ferris said, handing Cameron a mug of something to drink.

"Thank you," he responded quietly while grabbing it.

"You did screw up though, right?" Cameron's face showed that he couldn't believe Ferris was still on that subject.

"I mean," Ferris started again, "not that it was completely your fault."

"Why?" Cameron's face was now mostly blank.

"Well, to fix the situation, I'm gonna have to ask you for a small favor."

* ~ * ~ *

The two males walked up to the closed, sliding glass doors that opened the way to Cameron's garage.

They slowly walked in, Ferris marveling at what sat in front of him.

Cameron's breath was shaky before he spoke. "The 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California." This was the car that sat before them, colored in a sleek, shiny coat of red paint. "Less than a hundred were made. My father spent three years restoring this car. It is his love, it is his passion..."

"It is his fault he didn't lock the garage," Ferris spoke with a small smirk as he walked over to the car.

"Ferris, what are you talking about?"

"Ooh," Ferris said as he ran his hands along the car. He put one hand on the car to support himself, and the other on his hip and posed as if he were in a car magazine, casting his smile in Cameron's direction.

"Ferris, my father loves this car more than life itself," Cameron's eyes were wider than usual as he spoke.

"A man with priorities so far out of whack doesn't deserve such a fine automobile."

"No, no," Cameron said, not believing what was happening as Ferris started to circle the car while running his fingertips along it. "Apparently, you don't understand," He started as he began to follow Ferris.

"Wow." Was all Ferris responded with as he reached the back of the car.

"Ferris, he never drives it! He just rubs it with a diaper." Ferris continued around the car, seeming not to care what Cameron said. "Hey, remember how insane he went when I broke my retainer? Huh?" Cameron began to nod his head as he spoke. "Come on, that was a little piece of plastic, this is a Ferrari."

"Che Bella," Ferris said while kissing his hand like a chef does, before walking over to where Cameron stood. "Cameron, I'm sorry. But we can't pick up Sloane in your car. Mr. Rooney would never believe Mr. Peterson drives that piece of shit."

"It's not a piece of shit," Cameron spoke quietly, seemingly upset by what Ferris had just said.

"It is a piece of shit." Cameron still couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Don't worry about it, I don't even have a piece of shit, I have to envy yours."

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