Sword in the Stone

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Running through the hallways away from the ninjas one of them latches onto my coat and pulls me down. The other continue running not noticing that I've been taken. I elbow him in the gut and that startled him enough for me to start running again. I catch up with the others and see that they found Baird.

"We need to regroup!" She says and we all follow her back to the Anex.

We rush in to see Judson examining a wound on Flynn's abdomen. They all start talking as I dress the wound but Flynn keeps telling me it won't work. I tell him to shut up so I can at least control the bleeding a little.

"Go. Deeper into the library then you've ever been. Find the doors." Judson says as we ease Flynn up and out. Ezekiel keeps getting distracted and I have to pull him back to the reality of the situation. Then a warning siren goes off throughout the library.

"The warning bells. No!"

We all run as best we can tell we come to a wall with hundreds of doors leading to probably impossible places.

"Just pick a door." Baird shouts at Flynn and he opens a green door. Ezekiel grabs my hand and we jump through the black void that was beyond and into a... forest?

The others come through and start making suggestions about if we time traveled or just moved west.

"Oregon!" Baird and Flynn say at the same time.

"Aha still got it," Flynn says then starts to fall over. Jacob and Baird catch him and I start to lead the way out of the forest. We make it out and I see an old man leaning against the hood of his car.

"Hello!" He says enthusiastically. "It seems your friend needs some help."

"Yes, can you take us to the nearest hospital?" Baird asks.

Before you know it we are in the car parked in front of a building that did not look like a hospital.

We all stumble out and follow the mystery man inside. Strangely he knows about magic as well so that was a surprise. We learned that his name is Jenkins before Flynn passed out.


When Flynn woke up he was all over the place and talking with Jenkins about the library and how it has a physical form it was a little too much for me to handle so I left them to talk. Walking through the bookshelf's I brush my fingertips over the books.

Standing next to Ezekiel the bookshelf glows and a new book appears.

"Isaac Newton, The Mathematical
Principles of Natural Philosophy
as Derived by the Wondrous Thinking Machines of Atlantis?!" Ezekiel says after taking a look at it.

Flynn mutters something and continues to talk to Jenkins. Then Jenkins walks out with his tea set and Flynn goes upstairs exclaiming quietly to Baird that he is going to die.

We all go outside sitting outside in the sun not really knowing what to do.

"So what are your specialties Delany. You've kept quiet the majority of the time here." Jacob asks.

"Well Ezekiel steals things, Cassandra is all math and science, and your one of the best in the art business at identifying a fake. Me well I just have 13 degrees all in different types of mythology." I explain lightly.

"You have 13 degrees?" Ezekiel says astonished. I just nod my head. "And how old are you?!"

"23, I graduated high school at age 12. But Flynn has what 22 degrees?" I say and nod my head some more we all laugh a little while Ezekiel sits there bewildered.

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