I Do?

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I Do?

"We're all ready for you Hermione!" yelled Ginny Weasley as she skidded across the kitchen in her mother's huge,maroon dress-which was ten times bigger than her.
Hermione Granger nervously walked out onto the garden path,starring at the small crowd of Weasleys and Lavender who was already tearing up and dabbing her eyes. She ambled down the narrow and broken path until she was face to face with her depressed looking husband-to-be.
Harry Potter who was standing in for the Vicar grinned," ok everyone ok? Let's start! Dearly beloved blah blah blah!"he moaned.
"Ronald Bilious Weasley, will you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
Ron looked up from his muddy shoes and mumbled a sad "Sure,".
Hermione knew and it was obvious that he was having an affair with Lavender, it was as clear as the sky was cloudy and white! It didn't take a genius to figure that out!
"Do you, Hermione Jean Granger, take Ronald Bilious Weasley to be your lawfully wedded husband?"...
Hermione starred at the weed that was growing next to her foot and scoffed -she wasn't ready for this! She was in love with another man!
Hermione turned her head to Harry and thought about her lover.
The small group of Weasleys who were sitting on rusty garden chairs gasped.
"Oh thank Merlin!"cried Lavender who jumped up and kissed Ron hard on the lips.
Hermione smiled,picked up her dress, and ran from the Burrow, apperating at a small apartment in London.
She knocked on the large black door until it creacked open and a face appeared at the other side.
"I thought you where getting married?"he asked,smiling weakly and opening it a smidge more.
"Can I be your bride instead?"she asked sweetly.
Hermione pushed away the door until she was hugging him tightly.
"So, do you really want to be a Malfoy?"
"How long have you been waiting for me to say yes Draco?"she asked, foreheads pressed together.
(Btw-this is my first fan fiction story!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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