Chapter One: Night Terrors

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"Monsters are real.

And Ghosts are real too.

They live inside of us.

And sometimes, they win."

- Stephen King.

Kyle Wix stared deeply at his closet door as the hairs on his arms raised. Once again it was ajar, as it had been ever night since his family moved to this new house, no matter how many times he shut it. Fear choked him. His hands clutched his blankets tightly up to his nose; his eyes frozen in place. His night light dimmed and he could see his breath begin forming. Icy heat crept up his legs into his chest.

"Mommy..." Kyle's voice forced out in a whisper. A creak sent his covers flying over his head. Shaky sobs escaped him as he tried desperately to keep quiet so the monsters couldn't hear him. Clamping his jaw shut, he brought his body up into a ball. "Kyle, the monsters can't get you if they can't see you," His mother's voice echoed in his memory. If the covers were over his head, he was safe. Burrowing his face into his dinosaur pillow, he tried to mask his heavy breathing. Time passed and his vision failed as his breath evened out. Teetering on the edge of a dream the covers were yanked clear from him. A growl filled the room next to him and a scream erupted from his throat. Three claw-like fingers reach up and over the side of the bed for him and hovered around his throat.

"Kyle!" His mother called out as she pounded up the steps and threw the light switch up as she entered. Light exploded everywhere. His toys were scattered about, and a basket of clothes poked up at the end of his bed. Posters of planets and planes and space coated the wall to his left where his mother stood heaving in the door jam. To his right were his bookshelves that framed a double window that protruded outward to create a reading nook. The closet on the far wall in front of his bed was closed, no monster. As his mother approached him her face is worried, and exhausted. "Honey," She soothed, running her fingers through his hair. "You were dreaming again."

"No!" He cried, desperate. "I wasn't asleep! It took my blanket!" Across the room, in a crumpled pile on the floor next to the closet was his comforter with stars and planets.

"You just threw them off, honey." She sighed rising to her feet to retrieve it. "You were dreaming." Frustration rose in Kyle's chest. "It's okay, look I'll stay here until you fall asleep again."

"No," He mumbled ashamed. "I can go back to sleep..." She kissed his forehead and smiled down at him as he settled back into his pillow and pulled the covers back up to his nose.

"My big boy."


"Goodnight, honey." She flipped his switch and closed the door and the light retreated from the room again. Cramming his eyes closed he tried to steady his breathing again.

Kyle... His eyes flew open. The closet was open again. Come on Kyle, The deep voice whispered.  Let's play.  Next to him a boy poked his head up. Smaller than he, pasty white skin, black eyes and hair greeted him. I'll protect you from the monsters, He whispered. With a wave his closet swiftly shut and the light from his night light rebrightened. Let's play. He repeated, holding out his hand. Kyle took it.


In the main bedroom, down the stairs and across the house, Marie Wix sighed deeply. Her fingers dragged her messy hair back. She sat down on her bed. Her husband, Jack, slept soundly beside her. Soft snores filled the empty silence. She listened closely for a long moment, wondering if Kyle would call for her again. She needed a cigarette. This was the fifth time this week her poor boy had woken with night terrors, and it was only Wednesday. She expected it was because he was simply unused to the new place, it had been empty for some time, and still settled in the dead of night underneath all the new weight. In Kyle's room, especially. Her six-year-old's love for books made her buy brand new seven-foot-tall book shelves for him this past Christmas. His room was on the top floor, which made it quite a bit worse. She knew it would be that way, but she had promised him he could pick any room he wanted. For whatever reason, he had chosen the attic. A large room, spanning over half the house with a double window on the farthest wall and a sky light just above that, which is what she guessed made him want the room. Kyle loved space, she promised him a telescope soon just for his window. Ten minutes passed and she guessed he'd finally made it to sleep. Marie shimmied herself down into her covers.

"Marie? Kyle?" Jack's half asleep voice caught her attention.

"I already got him," She replied. "Maybe we should take him to a counselor, these night terrors are getting bad."

"Mm...He'll be fine." He's just not used to the house yet. He grumbled into his pillow and instantly feel back asleep.


"Breakfast!" His mother called out from the bottom of his stairs. He jumped the steps, two at a time, racing his new friend. When they reached the kitchen he jumped up and down.

"I win!" He cried out of breath.

"What did you win, honey?" His mother asked, setting a plate of toast, eggs, and bacon in his place.

"The race, Mommy," He replied heaving and trying not to giggle. "Baal was too slow."

"Baal?" She looked over her shoulder at him. "Is he a friend?" Kyle could hear the amusement in her voice.

"Yeah, Baal protects me from the monsters."

She doesn't believe you. Baal whispered beside him. Only you can see me, Kyle. Because you're special


"What, Hon?"

"Baal said only I can see him, because I'm special." He answered proudly.

"Oh, I see." She giggled. Kyle's father rushed into the kitchen, an electric shaver in his grip, swiping it swiftly across his face. His hair not yet combed, and shirt not yet tucked in.

"I'm late." He huffed, grabbing for a piece of toast.

"Have a great first day." His mother placed a kiss on his cheek as she guided a coffee cup into his hands.

"Hey, kiddo. Have fun at school!" He patted Kyle's head and began shoving his shirt into his trousers as he made his way to the front door. "Love you! Be good!" The door shut.

The company will give the job to someone else.


"'Really' What, honey?" She asked sitting beside him.

"Baal says daddy isn't going to get the job." She paused, looking over at him in surprise.

"Why not?" Kyle looked at Baal but he shook his head.

"He won't tell me."

"Oh, honey. It'll be okay, Daddy can charm them." She stroked his face. "come on, eat. I'm going to drive you to school." He shoveled his food and gathered his things.

I'll come with you. Ball told him smiling. 


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