<Chapter One>

Começar do início

I turned towards the sound of the voice. It was a young man, he looked to be about my age, with shocking violet eyes, and jet black hair.

"Go away! This is none of your business!" shouted the clerk.

"I'm not letting you hurt her. Just give her the apples at let her go," the other man said through gritted teeth.

"And if I don't?" The cashier raised an eyebrow.

"Then I'll have to do this," he said, slapping the clerk on the cheek, making the clerk drop my apples.

"What th-" the clerk started, but was cut off by the other man.

"Go!" He yelled to me.

I quickly grabbed the apples, and my wallet, which was still sitting on the counter. I turned toward the man, intending to say thank you but, the clerk was beginning to realize what was happening.

"Go!" The man yells again, louder this time.

I stared into his sparkling violet eyes again, then quickly turned around and sprinted out of the market and to my car.

"I'm home," I shout as soon as I get through the door."

"Oh good! Where are my apples?" Aunt Elizabeth asks.

"Right here," I say as I set them on the counter. I quickly dash upstairs, to my room. I'm not planning on telling aunt Elizabeth what happened, I'm not in the mood for a lengthy lecture about how dangerous it is for me to even leave the house.

This wasn't the first time someone has asked me questions like that. One time a women stopped me on the street and asked me why I looked so much like the king. I just shoved her away and walked faster.

Once in my room, I pull my wallet out of my back pocket, and toss it onto my desk.

Or I at least try to toss it on my desk. It hits the side, and falls to the floor, spilling out all of my spare change that was in it.

"Classic Velia," I mumble, bending over to pick it up.

My eyes quickly land on the spot where my ID should be. It's gone.

"Crap!" I yell, a little louder then I should have.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Aunt Elizabeth asks from down stairs.

"Y-yes," I yell, hoping she couldn't tell I was lying.

"I'm coming up!" She yells.

I have about thirty seconds to look for my ID, which hopefully just fell out when I threw my wallet.

I get down on my hands and knees, searching every where for it.

Twenty seconds.

I slide my hand under my bed, and feel for it. When I pull my hand out, I'm greeted with nothing other than dust.

Ten seconds.

I do the same, except under my desk, and once again find nothing other than a few crumbs and some dust.

Five seconds.

I whip my head around, scanning my eyes all over my room.

It's gone.

Aunt Elizabeth starts to open the door, and in a desperate last attempt at hiding the fact that a stranger took my ID, I throw my hand on my wallet.

"What's going on in here?" Aunt Elizabeth asks skeptically.

"N-nothing," I answer, as casually as possible.

"Lift up your hand," she demands.

I huff and lift up my hand, revealing the ID-less wallet.

"Where's your ID ?" She urgently asks.

"What do you mean?" I pretend to not know it's gone," Oh hey! My ID's gone, it must have fallen under my bed...or closet or something."

"This isn't funny! Where is it!" She yells

"It-um- got stolen."

"What?" She yells even louder.

"When I was at the market, the clerk forced me to tell him my name, then I guess took my ID when I wasn't looking," I tell her.

"Explain it to me more," she sighs, rubbing a finger on her temple.

I explain it to her, I tell her about the clerk, and the other man. I tell her about how the clerk must have taken my ID out of my wallet when I was turned around. I tell her about how I was forced to tell him my last name.

By the end of my story, her face has turned ghostly pale.

"W-what's wrong aunt Elizabeth?" I stutter, scared by her reaction.

"John!" She yells to my uncle, "Cancel dinner with the Water's family! They've found us!"

"What?" I yell at her, "Are they coming to take me? Am I going to die?"

"Not on my watch," She says, "Pack your things Velia," she demands.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know."

"Give me real answers!" I demand from her.

"Just pack up your things! We're leaving as soon as you're packed!" She yells back.

"Give me an hour."

"You have half an hour," she says, "They're coming for us. For you."


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Thanks so much guys!!!

The Illegitimate DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora