I pulled out my phone and called kitten. She answered on fourth ring. “Hello.”

“Hey kitten.”

“Hey Nate. Sorry I left but my dad was blowing up my phone and I had to come home.” She sounded sad too.

“It’s fine. You can make it up to me when you come over.” There was a long silence and I got a bad feeling. Why wasn’t she answering me?

“I don’t think I’ll be able to come over today…or for a while. My dad was really mad that I had been over there for so long.” In the background I heard a deep male voice that I had to think was her father asking if she was talking to ‘that boy’ again. Kitten yelled at him to leave her alone. “Listen Nate I’ll text you later. My dad is being a dick right now.”

“Okay kitten. You’ll be at school tomorrow though right?”

“Of course silly. I need to get an education don’t I.” She chuckled and then said “Bye Nate.”

“Bye kitten.” I hung up and disappoint me flooded me. I should have known things were getting too good. I would miss my kitten beside me today. I had gotten so used to being by her twenty four seven and now I was going to have to cut back. I went back inside and sat with the guys in the living room.

The whole day was frustrating. Kitten texted me back, but it took her forever. It would take her half an hour to answer me back. TV was boring and after a while I couldn’t sit there anymore so I went and checked up on everyone from yesterday. I got the full account of what happened and what Nia had said was true. Those guys started it but I finished it. They would probably do something again to get back at us but we had a bit of time before that happened. After I checked on everyone and I knew exactly what happened I went back to the TV but I was still restless. I suggested that those that were able to go to the skate park and many were thrilled at the idea.

It was a bust for me and everything just began to piss me off after a while. I couldn’t land any tricks and I just felt off. Something wasn’t right and I was guessing it was that my mate wasn’t with me. The guys saw that something was off and my skating was terrible. I gave up after an hour of failed tricks and just sat down.

We went home later and I was in a poor mood. I texted kitten since we hadn’t spoken in a couple hours.

Where’s my little kitten?

We got home and I went to my room. I didn’t want to be around any of them right now. I waited and waited and an hour later I got a response. Though not one I wanted.

This is Nia’s brother. Lay off of her for a while our dad’s pissed.

I growled at my phone and threw it away. I couldn’t lay off of her, I needed her. I loved her. I fell asleep later, never getting to talk to kitten again.

I woke up the next day to my alarm beeping. I shut it off with a slam of my fist to the top and my room went silent. I felt awful. I turned over in my bed and I considered just missing today. But then I realized kitten would be at school, and as much as I hated school I love my little kitten. I wanted to get as much of her time as I could.

I got out of bed and got ready. I walked out of my room with a pair of torn, black skinny jeans and a wife beater on. I jogged downstairs and Cameron and Tanner were eating in the kitchen. I poked my head in and said “If you want a ride to school you’ve got five minutes to get into my car.” Then I went to the den and grabbed my stuff. I grabbed my backpack and my board and then went to my car. Tanner was in the back and Cameron was in the passenger seat.

I was pulling out of my driveway when Cameron said “Why the rush to get to school Nate. We usually don’t leave until seven thirty.”

“It’s pretty obvious why he wants to go to school Cam. Nate wants to see Nia” Tanner said.

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