“Hey Nia, would you maybe want to catch a movie some time?” I smiled at him.

“Sure. What do you want to see?”

“Well on Friday, the new x-men movie is coming out. You wanna go see that? The theater on Rana St. is pretty good.”

I cringed. Ewww public theaters. “How about we do one better and you come over to my house. We can watch it in the theater.”

“Okay but you won’t have the movie.”

I smiled at Eric. Silly boy. “My dad has connections and with just a phone call I can get it at my house the day it comes out.” Eric looked at me with wide eyes. “So on Friday I’ll give you a ride to my house. Okay?” He nodded. “See you Eric.” I left him and went to my next class.

At the end of the day I went to my car and sitting on the hood was my skateboard. There was even a red bow on top. I looked at it a little suspicious, but I couldn’t find anything wrong with it. “I didn’t mess with it.” I spun around and Nate was there. He looked damn hot today. He had on this really tight shirt, showing off every one of his sinful muscles. Mmmm, how had I not noticed how hot he was this morning? “You seemed in a shity mood this morning. We’re at a truce until you feel better.” I looked at him skeptical. Was he being nice to me?

“Thank you…I guess.” I looked at Nate and found myself getting sucked into his gray eyes. “Well I’m going to go home now.”

“Wait.” I turned back around and looked at him. “I’m throwing a party tonight. You should come.” My jaw about fell off. He was inviting me to a party.

“Where at?” I asked trying to sound normal.

“My house stupid.”

I made an angry face. “I’m not stupid and I’m not coming.” I quickly jumped into my jeep and started the engine. Nate came to my window.

“Don’t be so prissy. Just come.” He took my phone and put his number in it. He then called himself. “I’ll text you the address later. See you kitten. Wear something cute.”

“Humph, if I even go. Now let go, I’m already late.” Nate got off my car and I drove off. I went home to an empty house. I sighed and went to my room. I laid on my bed and thought over the pros and cons of going to Nate’s party.

Pros: It was a party. It would be fun. I could get drunk. I wouldn’t be alone again. I could dance. I could see Nate’s house. I could make some friends. I could learn some dirt about Nate to use incase this war got a little heated.

Cons: Nate was going to be there. It was his house. I was most likely going to see him. He wanted me to go. Nate’s a jackass. Nate could totally be setting me up for some prank.

I sighed. Fine I was going to go, but just for a little bit. Later I got a text with an address. I got directions and at ten I left the house. I got there at ten forty. I got a little lost trying to find the street. I pulled up to a big house. It wasn’t quite big enough to be called a mansion. The windows were blinking with bright lights and I could hear the music beat bumping. There was also a butt load of cars along the street.

I opened the door and you would never have guessed how noisy it was inside from outside. I closed the door and walked deeper in. I saw a lot of faces that seemed familiar. They must go to school with me. Then as I got even deeper into the house I saw some older people. They obviously didn’t go to school. Some of them looked at me and they gave me hungry looks. Ewww. I went past them trying to find a good spot to sit or find someone I knew. Ha. The only people I knew besides Nate was his friend, who I still didn’t know the name of, and Eric.

I was walking past a couple making out when arms snaked around my waist. I looked back shocked and saw some steel gray eyes. “Hey there kitten.” Damn I was trying to go the whole night without seeing him. Guess that plan is ruined.

I frowned at the nickname he had given me. “Hey ass-face.” He frowned at me.

“Don’t call me that.”

“Don’t call me kitten.”

“But you are a kitten. You’re cute, and pretty tough, though you could be beaten real easily.” I rolled my eyes and freed myself from his grip.


“Oh kitten, look at what you wore.” Nate looked down my body. I had worn little shorts and a low cut shirt. It showed off the nice sized breasts I usually had hidden. “Damn. In those baggy shirts I would have never known you had a figure.” It was true I had a figure. I was an hour glass. I had the figure men drooled over. They just didn’t know that I had it because I either wore baggy clothes or something to cover myself up.

“Shut up Nate. I didn’t come here so you could drool over me.”

“Why did you come here?” So I wouldn’t be alone. No way in hell was I saying that.

“I came because I wanted to dance.”

“With me?”

“Nope” I said popping the p. I saw Nate’s friend and I quickly ran over to him. He smiled at me and I pressed myself against him. He looked at me shocked. “Let’s dance hottie.” He looked a little nervous but he soon just started dancing with me.

After a couple songs I grabbed his head and made him lean down. “What’s your name?”

He laughed and said “Cameron.” I nodded my head.

“I’m Nia.”

“I know.” I smiled and we danced for a bit longer.

Once we were both tired we went over to the bar and got some drinks. “So Nia, what brings you here?”

“Nate invited me” I yelled over the music. Cameron raised his eyebrows, but before he could say anything a guy came over to him. They talked and I felt really awkward just standing there.

“I’m sorry miss pretty. I didn’t mean to take your boy away from you.”

“He’s not my boy. We’re just friends.”

His eyes sparked with something. “Oh, so you’re available.” I just smiled at him.

“Back off Jed, Nate’s got claim to her.” What the hell did he just say? Nate has claim to me. I don’t think so.

“I don’t remember Nate making any claim, and I don’t remember me agreeing to it either. So Nate can get in line.” I stomped away from them and found an empty chair. I was drinking some vodka mixture Cameron had made me. I could start to feel the alcohols effects on me.

“That wasn’t very nice kitten.” I looked up and there he was.

“You weren’t very nice when you had Cameron break my skateboard.” I shrugged. Nate picked me up and he sat down in the chair. He sat me down on his lap. “I believe I was sitting there first mister.” Nate chuckled. It was so hot. Nervous, I took another sip of my drink.

“I think we’re about even. You punched me in the side, and I broke your skateboard. Then you got me two weeks of detention, and grounded.” I laughed.

“We’re nowhere near even yet.” I looked over my shoulder at Nate. His brows were scrunched and he looked confused. “I’m gonna make you wish you had left me alone. I’m gonna make you cry.” Nate smirked.

“Bring it on kitten.” I laughed and relaxed into Nate. We sat there for a while, just talking. Nate was actually okay. He even got me to laugh. 

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