Fierce battle! School Wars

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You woke up extra early so you could get ready. Your school uniform was pretty cool in your opinion! It consisted of wearing a white office jacket that had a badge with your school's symbol, a white shirt, a black tie and a short black skirt with 3 white stripes at the end. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled widely. Today was going to be a short day according to the time table for your class. You brushed your hair and tied it in a high ponytail (A/N: Sorry for short-haired readers!). You quickly walk down the stairs and entered the dining room and there were Chris and S/N eating breakfast. They saw you and said good morning which you gladly replied to. Ella brought your food as you sat down next to Chris.

"Huh? You guys wear uniforms?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, us in secondary and high school have to wear uniforms." You answered.

"Bleh! I'd never want to wear a uniform! It's uglyyyy!" S/N said in a whiny tone which made a vein pop out of your head.

"Oi! Don't say that! I've seen worse ya know?" You snapped.

"Whatever!" She stuck her tongue out. Chris laughed at your behaviors. 

Mr. Tanaka came inside to tell us that aunt Lindsey and uncle Nelson were coming for a visit after school. S/N cheered loudly while Chris and you just smiled at each other. That was until he suddenly stopped and looked at you as if there was a problem. Chris then said that he was done and ran out.

"Wait Chris!" You shout and ran after him, leaving Ella, Tanaka and your sister confused. You both ran to Chuck's lab and went upstairs where everyone was eating their breakfast. Chris explained that if your aunt and uncle saw them, they'd be in trouble so they had to hide. They understood and agreed.

"Wow Y/N that's a very nice uniform you're wearing!" Cream complimented nicely. 

"Yeah it really suits you!" Amy added while Tails nodded his head and Sonic did a thumbs up.

"T-Thanks everyone!" You thanked them while blushing. You then remembered something. "Oh Chris! I'll be picking you up after school."

"Cool, but do you know where it is?" He asked you unsure.

"Chris I come here every summer, I never forget the places you show me!" You said confidentially. He smiled. Sonic stood up after eating his food and walked away without saying anything. You, being curious, went after him.

"Oi Sonic!" You shouted but received to response for he had already left to wherever he went off to. You pouted at his sudden depart. You heard a loud thump on the ground behind you which belonged to Chris 'cause he fell down the stairs.

"Chris! Are you okay???" You asked him while helping him up.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine thanks hehe." He rubbed the back of his head.


Later on, after visiting around the campus, your teacher presented you to the class. They all welcomed you to the Station Square Junior High School or SSJHS for short. As time went on, you attended the different classes and work. Luckily though, you did pretty good to catch up with everyone else! You were very organized and ready!

You met some very nice people too, they helped you with orientating and such. They stuck by your side until the end. 

"You can always hang out with us! We're always free for new friends!" Catherine, your new friend, said.

"Yeah totally! You're nice and a talented artist too!" Sakura, your other new friend, added.

"You'd fit in better with me and Saku way better than ugh... Akira and her henchmen..." Catherine said in disgust. "She thinks she owns the place and everyone else!"

To Love A Hedgehog (Sonic X Human!Reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now