Review Book!

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We as a group will be reviewing stories. However, we won't be reviewing every single story that is submitted to us. There will be a requirements that must be met before we review a book. For the most part we'll be looking for:

• No paragraph walls. If you do this throughout your whole story, we will most likely not review your story.

• At least some proper use of grammar and punctuation.

• After some time, we will begin avoiding stories that have similar storylines.

Now, although it won't be posted in the book, we will leave a message or comment saying why we're not reviewing it or adding it to the book. More may be added to this list as we go on.

For the books that we do review and add to this book, we will leave a comment with a rating on the last posted chapter of when we're reviewing and shortly after will update a chapter dedicated to your story.

Our rating system:

Needs a lot of work: 0-3
Needs a little work: 4-7
Needs no work/perfect: 8-10

Great grammar, use of punctuation, storyline: A
Okay grammar, use of punctuation, plot holes: B - C
Bad grammar, etc.: D - F

Originality (from not at all to very): 1-5

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