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The breeze in the room was cold, so I tried to cover myself up, only there was something making it heavy to move. I felt a presence above me and froze, too scared to open my eyes and see if Nick was above me, if it was him he was probably here to insult me more. I opened one eye and practically screamed when I saw who was above me.

"You're awake."

"No shit, sally."

"No, I'm Harry." He chuckled. He climbed off my bed and stood right beside it, looking at me with a smile.

"I.. how are you in my house?" He frowned.

"You don't remember?"

My eyes went wide and I checked under the covers. I had slept in only underwear.. Harry was in only underwear? "Did we fuck?!"

Now it was Harrys eyes who went wide. "No. I..?" He went red and fiddled with his hands.

I slowly and with much struggle sat up. "Right.. I don't know why I even asked. I'm so disgusting." I scoffed. He hopped on my bed and placed his hand on my huge thigh, my thigh looked big compared to his hand, mind you his hands are huge.

"You are not disgusting, Louis. Alright, never say that around me ever again, okay." He said sternly. "I won't allow it.. specially since I know you're not and that'd be insult to me." He moved a strand of hair from my forehead and gave a small lopsided smile, then he dropped his hand when he realized what he was doing, clearing his throat and looking down. "I.. after we got done working out, you were really tired and basically unable to stand so I gave you a ride to your place." He looked up. "I got you inside and you told me to stay." He bit his lip looking away.

"Sounds like me." I sighed. "I'm sorry. M'just tired." He gave a warm smile and stood up, giving my thigh a light tap.

"You haven't felt nothin' yet, love." He stretched and I watched his muscles contract and his ribs become more prominent as he bent back.

As he left the room he didn't even glance back when he said, "Get dressed. We're going to the super market." I plopped back onto my pillow, groaning. I looked at the digital clock on my night stand, looking up at the ceiling in disbelief when I saw it was only eight a.m. I haven't been up this early since highschool.

I practically dragged myself out of bed, hopping into the shower and getting cleaned. I wonder if Harry was ready? Or if he was rummaging through my cabinets for food. He isn't you Louis. I frowned at the comment. I stepped out of the shower, throwing on an outfit and making sure I looked okay before I went into the lounge.

"You ready?" Harry was sat on my sofa, watching the morning news on the telly. This man had an old soul, sweet none the less.


"You look nice." He said getting up and walking out the door. My cheeks went red and I said nothing. I got into his range rover, noticing the way it went down a bit, buckling up and waiting for him to start the vehicle. "You're next session is at five, how do you feel?"


"Yeah? Not sore yet?"

"Just a tad." I said worried, was it going to be really bad? I gulped at the thought of not being able to walk, I really needed to get this weight off. "What are we going to the market for?"

"Well, we're gonna shop." He said not taking his eyes off the road. "I'm going to let you shop, like you normally would so I can get a clue on how you eat." I gulped. I clenched my jaw, griped my fingers to the handle on the door. He was going to see all the shit that I eat.. you should lie, pick out some healthy snacks Louis.

My Personal Trainer (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now