Chloe: I am just trying to help you.

Chenise: Omg, your jealous!

Chloe: What no i'm not.

Chenise: Yeah, you are.

Chenise: You realised, what a big mistake you made when you broke up with him and now your trying to stop every girl from liking him.

Chloe: Not even close, i will make sure each girl know's what they are getting themselves into.

Chenise: Well honey, thank's for the tip, but i don't need or want any jealous ex's coming around and telling me that i am making a big mistake, because in the end it's my mistake to make, it's my choice, and i don't need your advice and i don't need you to tell me weather or not if i am allowed to like Ricky, because in the end it is between me and him, and what we feel and you know what.....
Chloe: What?
Chenise: I know how i feel and some girl who supposedly tried to help me, only made me see what i really want, and what i want is Ricky Garcia.

Chloe: Then go get him, and i will be here when he hurt's you.

Chenise: Thanks, but no thanks, and he won't hurt me, because i believe he won't.

(I rushed out there and i caught a cab to the arena and i used my pass i got months ago and i went backstage and Bailee was there.)

Bailee: You shouldn't be here.

Chenise: I know, i let someone get to me, i should go, i don't know what i was thinking.

(I left and i was walking and it started raining.)

(45 Minutes Later!)

Liam: Guys check this out, Chenise rips Chloe a new one.

Chenise On Video: Well honey, thanks for the tip, but i don't need or want any jealous ex's coming around and telling me that i am making a big mistake, because in the end its my mistake to make, it's my choice, and i don't need your advice and i don't need you to tell me weather or not if i am allowed to like Ricky, because in the end it is between me and him, and what we feel and you know what.....

Chloe On Video: What?

Chenise On Video: I know how i feel and some girl who supposedly tried to help me, only made me see what i really want, and what i want is Ricky Garcia.

Chloe On Video: Then go get him, and i will be here when he hurt's you.

Chenise On Video: Thanks, but no thanks, and he won't hurt me, because i believe he won't.

(Then i came up and Emery said.)

Emery: How did you get in?

Chenise: Your mom let me, she is very nice and i just came to give this back to Liam.

(I said handing him a dvd.)

Liam: Thanks.

Chenise: Oh and congrads on your first leg of your tour, hope the rest is good.

Chenise: Don't worry, i'm going now.

(I went to walk out the door.)

Emery: We saw the video!

Chenise: What video?

(I said confused.)

Ricky: The one were you ripped Chloe a new one.

Chenise: Oh yeah that...

(I paused, i was still confused and then i said again.)

Chenise: Wait someone filmed that?

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