Chapter Four: (Jake x Reader) Payback For You

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It took everything in you to not choke on your tears as you speed home in the dark, while you held your sleeve to your face, applying pressure to the gash on your left cheek that bled profusely. You knew that side of your face was swollen, bruising and discolored. Your vision was blurred from the crying. Your heart ached beyond broken. It was shattered. It's was crumbling within your chest. All you wanted to do was to rip it out so you wouldn't feel the hurt anymore. Your mind couldn't register what you saw in that room. In your former boyfriends room. You tried to deny that you saw girl in the bed with him but you know you couldn't. You couldn't get rid of the image of their naked bodies popping up from under the sheets when you opened the door. He tried to explain it wasn't what it seems but you shook your head in disagreement. You knew exactly what was going on. When you tried to run, he grabbed you but you escaped from his grasp. Then he had you cornered and the both of you argued. Yelling, screaming then without warning he hit you in the face. It was quick. Sudden. It felt like your entire world fell in front of you. He started to apologize and crying but before he could touch you again you bolted out the house, got in your car, thanked god you somehow managed to have the keys in your hand and sped back home. Then your mind wandered to the guys back home. It's been almost two months since they came out of the tv. You questioned how you were going to get by them without being noticed. They grew on you and they become protective, older brothers to you. But Jake grew on you more. Your mind raced in panic at the questions they were going to ask. You thought about going to your friends house but remembered she was out of town for the weekend to visit her family for her younger siblings birthday. You sniffed, crying silently as you thought over your plan of running pass them without getting caught. Before you knew it, you were parking in the drive way of your own home. You bit your lips nervously, while you tried your best to clean your face but you knew it did little to hide the injuries. You turned off the car, throwing your keys shakily into your purse, opened the door and step out of your car. You locked the car before approaching the front door. You prayed that it was left opened. You twisted the door knob and pushed it. It opened. You sighed in relief. You quickly step inside trying to silence your sniffles and cries. You locked the door as quietly as you could. You heard the guys in the living room and probably in the kitchen chatting away. Before you could even dash to the stairs you froze when you felt someone hug you from behind. You blessed the gods that the little hallway you were in was unlit at the moment. The darkness cloaked your face.

"Finally you get home (Y/N). I was about to leave to hunt your little stubborn head self down." It was Jake being his cute, caring, asshole self as usual.

"S-sorry. Something distracted me on my way back home," you lied. You felt Jake hold around your waist loosen slightly. You swore realizing you didn't keep your voice from cracking.

"(Y/N)?" Stated Jake with a worried tone, "You fine? You usual don't sound like that." You froze. You didn't know what to say. Words refused to spill from your mouth to form a believable lie. "Huh?" Your eyes widen in fear when you realized the cut on your left cheek was bleeding again, dripping off your chin and landing on his bare arm. "Is the ceiling leaking?" he mumbled to himself as he looked up. You froze in the spot like a deer in headlights. Jake raised his arm so he could get a better look, even in the dark hallway, he could tell that it wasn't water. The outline of it and the was too dark for water. In your state of panic, you immediately attempted to run by him only to have him grab you. "(Y/N)?! (Y/N) what's wrong?" You struggled to free yourself so he nor the rest could see your face. See the injury you received. But your feeble struggle only made Jake tighten his hold on you and softly pin you against the wall. "(Y/N) talk to me! What's wrong?" The small commotion attracted the attention of the rest. Chris, Piers, Leon and whoever else piled into the hallway with looks of concern on their faces and asking questions about what was going on. You lowered your gaze to the floor, refusing to look at anyone of them. "Someone turn on the damn lights." Without a moments hesitation, the hallway light flickered on. Then thats when Jake saw it. What he thought at first was water was actually blood drops that started trickle down his arm. His blue eyes slowly traveled back to you and he could see blood dripping from what he could presume was from your chin on to the floor. "(Y/N)? What happened?" His tone soft. Your eyes watered quickly and tears started falling fast. Your heart raced realizing you couldn't hide it. You felt Jake softly grasp your chin. "Let me see your face sweetie." He spoke to you as if he was talking to a frighten child. You slowly allowed him to move your head up to him. You heard his breath hitch along with the rest. You read his eyes. He wanted to know who did this. They all wanted to know. You could see the anger behind his soft blue eyes.

"H-he hit m-me." You finally said the words. Words you didn't want to believe but you did and it stabbed deeply into your soul.

"Chris. Get fresh water in a bowl from the kitchen. Piers get the first aid kit in the upstairs bathroom," commanded Jake. None dared questioned him and did what they were told. "Leon, go get a fresh shirt for her from wherever. Doesn't matter if it's yours or hers. Just find one."

"On it." Leon rushed up the stairs.

"The rest of you," he eyed the remaining who were Billy, Vector, and Berry, "Get ready." They all nodded fully understanding what he meant and walked off to the garage where you stored their weapons. Jake softly tugged you towards the kitchen and sat you in a chair. He took your purse from you and placed it on the counter. Chris put down a bowl of water with a clean white rag.

"I'll go get ready with the other three," Chris stated to which Jake nodded in acknowledgment before he walked off leaving you two alone. Jake grab the clean rag and dip it in the water slightly and started cleaning up the blood. You knew nothing you could say or do was going to prevent them from doing what they were going to do.

"Who is this he and why did he hit you?" Your now ex-boyfriend never got to meet them since he claimed he was busy for the past two whole months and now you figured out what he meant out by that. Before you could even process what to say you just started pouring out who he was and what happened.

"H-he was my boyfriend. Ex now," you tried your hardest not to cry but failed. Tears spilled down your hurt face and on to his hands. "I was getting s-suspicious because he was a-acting weird. I went to his job and they told me he didn't work there anymore. S-so I got really suspicious to why he hid that from me so I w-went to his house to confront him a-and....a-and...." you shut your eyes as the pained memory of what you saw flashed in your head. Jake pushed your head against his stomach and held you there as you cried your broken heart out, "I found him in bed with a-another girl! He tried to explain himself b-but I know what I saw! I tried to leave but he grab me then w-we started arguing and fighting then he just h-hit me! The one person who I thought l-loved me hurt me! He tried to apologize but I-I ran before he could grab me again!" You were crying harder now. Your cries not going unheard by the other men. Hearing your painful, broken cry made them more determined to get revenge for you. But for Jake, it made him want to break every single bone in that man's body.

"(Y/N). I'm going to get payback for you. We are going to get payback for you. No person, be it man or woman, is allowed to put a hand on you without facing us first. Facing me first. Fuck him. You have us and will forever. We are your family. We are here for you. We care about you. We are the ones that love you. I love you. More then that shit head did. Please don't cry. I understand that it hurts what you saw. No one deserves that. No one gets away with hurting the one person I love. No one." He gazed into your eyes and you saw he meant every word he said. He leaned forward and placed a soft, tender kiss on your forehead before placing his forehead against yours. Your teary (E/C) eyes staring into his eyes. "All I need is a address and a name." Without a second thought, you gave it to him. Once he fixed you up after Piers brought the first aid and changed your blood stained shirt with a fresh (F/C) shirt Leon found for you, they all expect for Piers who volunteered to stay behind to look after you, got ready to leave to do what they had to do.

"J-Jake?" You called out shakily to him. He came to you, your bodies mere inches apart from touching. You stared deeply into his eyes.


"Don't kill him. Just make sure he hurts bad. Promise?" He smirked before leaning down and kissing your cheek.

"For you? I promise." And with that, they left to get payback for you.


A/N: Come on guys, send me requests :) It'll keep me busy :)

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