Chapter 2 ~ Oh no...

En başından başla

Apparently they're gonna get kidnapped by Walter Maybry, son of Arthur Tressler. Dylan said that they're gonna kidnap me too because i had a part in it. Well i basically did all of it. But anyways, i dropped off Shay at the magic shop, said hello to Bu Bu and Lee and then left. Me and Lula met them on our, year of living dangerously, lets call it.

I sat on the sofa waiting until i heard a knock on the door. This is it... I opened the door to find a pizzaman.

"Pizza delivery." He said quietly and i played along.

"But i didn't order any pizza..?" I said looking at him weirdly. Suddenly he spun the box and the word 'sleep' appeared. I just stood there.

"Wait what?" He looked up at me.

"Sorry but it didn't work." I smirked.

"Well i don't want to do this so sorry." He said looking down.

"Huh?" I asked before i saw his fist coming straight towards my face. I could've dodged it and fought him easily but i had to go with protocol. So i let his fist collide with my face as everything went black.

Time skip

I woke up in a moving vehicle. Well at least that's what i think it is.

"Wakey wakey princess." I heard a familiar voice and saw...

"Merritt??" I asked confused. "Nu-uh. Close though." He replied.

"Chase." I breathed. Merritt's brother.

"Yay! Mer-bear, does talk about me with his friends!" He exclaimed happily. Wait what?!

The rest of the ride was silent until the van stopped.

I was shoved out of the van and into an elevator.

"Jesus, i can walk by myself y'know." I glared.

It was silent as the elevator went up to the top floor and then the doors opened to reveal the man himself, Walter Maybry.

"Well, hello hello. It's such a pleasure to meet you Emma!" He grinned at me.

I stared at him for a second and then made a move. I elbowed both of the guards in the gut, grabbed their guns and then hit their pressure points in the neck, causing them to fall unconscious.

I held up the guns towards Walter.

"I know who you are Walter Maybry. The one who was supposed to be dead. Now cut to the chase. Why'd you bring me here?" I demanded.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down Emma! We wouldn't want to scare our guests now would we?" He smirked looking at the elevator.

I turned around and froze. In the elevator, stood the very confused and shocked horsemen. But something was missing. Someone was missing. Henley.

I stood there shocked as i stared at each and every one of them. My gaze stuck onto Jacks the longest but then he looked down, as if not wanting to see me at all. Damn that hurts!

"Well! I'm guessing you all want to know how i got you here!" Walter broke the silence.

Merritt started to explain everything and then Walter got mad.

"No! I said stop!!" He shouted.

After Walter went on and explained how he got them here, he looked so prideful.

"Now. Emma, Chase told me that he saw a little crib in your apartment when he brought you here. Were you planning on telling your friends about your child?" Walter asked with a smug smile.

I looked at everyone and they looked beyond shocked. Especially Jack. Lula was just going along with it because that was her orders.

"I was babysitting." I shrugged and saw Jack calm down a bit as well as the rest of them. But Merritt gave me a look. One that said: 'I'll have to talk to you later.' I nodded in defeat.

"Okay! Now sit down everyone!" Walter motioned towards the couch and the guards pushed us so i was in between Jack and Walter. Yay! That was sarcastic.

He turned on the screen and it showed in bold letters: OUR TRIP TO MACAU!

The first picture was of all of us on the couch with Walter.

The second was of Lula sitting on Danny's lap. Bruh.

The third was of Merritt laying down and Jack on top of him the opposite direction. So basically their faces were really close to each others dicks... dude! "Jesus Christ! Why!" I facepalmed.

Then the next one was horrifying. It was me on Walter's lap. And he was kissing me... on the lips. I got up from my seat and walked behind the couch holding my mouth, trying not to puke, as the horsemen all argued with Walter.

"Dude that's not right!"
"That's disturbing!"
"How could you just invade someone's privacy like that?!"

"I'm sorry dear but, you're the prettiest of them and i had to do it." Walter said looking at me.

"Go fuck yourself!" I gave him the finger.

Anyways, Walter explained that when we stole from Arthur Tressler last year, we also stole from him so we'd need to pay him back. Fortunately, we just needed to steal a chip.

"So are you in? If you're not then I'll just get my guards to kill you so." Walter looked at us.

"I'm not stealing anything. Only if Dylan is okay with it." Jack backed up.

"Yeah me too." Lula followed.

"Yeah." Merritt also followed.

I looked at Danny and we knew what we had to do.

"We'll do it." We said at the same time.

I cleared my throat.

"Macau has the oldest magic shop. We'll go there tommorow, get our stuff and, we'll do it." I finished.

"Splendid! My guards will show you to your rooms and Chase will take you to the magic shop tommorow." Walter waved.

The Infinity Queen! (Jack Wilder)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin